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Friday, May 20, 2011

Jane Austen Emma

Jane Austen Emma. tags: bbc emma woodhouse jane
  • tags: bbc emma woodhouse jane

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 18, 07:56 AM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    How very humanitarian (and dramatic) of you.

    Can you please provide a chart of how many "slaughtered" we are required to acknowledge before we take military action? I would like to know what the threshold is.

    ...Because I have a hard time believing this is the only aggressive dictator in existence at this moment. If I have to choose between Libyans being slaughtered/not slaughtered, I want you to choose which atrocities in the world to respond to, and which to ignore. Be prepared to to explain why you did not depose Dictator "X" who was violating human rights as opposed to Libya's Dictator "Y." Or, in the odd chance you would choose to involve the USA in every single non-democratic nation with an unloved and power-hungry misanthropic leader, you may demonstrate how such a widespread show of American force might affect world opinions of our foreign policy, particularly in regions of the world where we may already be viewed as imperialist heathens.

    For extra credit, you may describe in 100 words or less how either selective or across-the-board military responses benefit economic or social problems within the United States itself.

    Jane Austen Emma. tags: jane austen emma 2009
  • tags: jane austen emma 2009

  • seashellz
    Jul 18, 01:25 PM
    1. The reports are coming in that the BR DVD picture is....well, lousy-while the HD picture is said to be primo. You can buy an HD player NOW (and discs-soon)for under $500.
    For all intents and purposes, $1000 Blu Ray players are as scarce as George Bush's IQ numbers-if there are even any to be had at all...

    2. *VERY Important: SONY has yet to produce a single BR disc under the promised new HD Codec 1- the prime reason to buy BR HD in the first place-the ones they are selling now are just 'prototype', being rushed to market so they can say "We were first!" which is like selling a car without spark plugs-youll just have to be patient until some arrive.

    Yes, a "Better Future" is just around the corner, as they like to say defensively-well I say- PRODUCE THEM-then we will believe-other wise, it is VAPORWARE.
    So you are in effect buying v.1 BR discs down at Best Buy-while v.2 discs are still being worked on-possibly to arrive by Christmas.
    Who would buy a BR disc that will be obsolete in a few months-that is-if the Codec 1 discs ever arrive at all-?
    They are having manufacturing problems with these still- [Corpspeak: "we are 'fine tuning' them"] which is the reason for the delay.

    2. SONY JUST GOT KICKED IN THE BALLS #1: (Reuters) a UK high court ruling Friday declared that the the giant SONY/BMG merger is not legal, and must be broken apart, worldwide.
    If this ruling stands, SONY will be sucked dry, in order to either fight this, or to seperate, as they have streamlined and folded the two companies in together so tightly-like two Octopi in battle-or love, that it will drain much time, money and resources from the company to fight the ruling, or to re-separate as two distinct entities should they lose...it could in fact, this SINK SONY.

    Because of this ruling, Warner Bros. have already backed out of a deal to merge with EMI.
    And while spokemen at EMI declared 'This will be no problem,'
    Warner Bros. spokesfolks retorted with-'We wouldnt bet the farm on that if we were you'
    The deal is on HOLD and possibly withdrawn.

    Anyway, this will be a HUGE drain on SONYs already shaky financial structure-they are literally betting the whole company on Blue Ray-hoping it wont become another Betamax. There is also much infighting in the ranks of SONY, according to reports. (also, they themselves admit they have lost 3% marketshare worldwide, since the merger (If thats so, why would they APPEAL the decision?!)

    3. SONY JGKITB #2: Reports are coming from the chip manufacturing plant that for every FIVE PSP-3 chips created, only ONE is usable-SONY still has to pay for the other chips. (Wednesdays Gizmo.com)
    (they are too complex, and they are rushing this whole thing to market too fast)
    What this means is that SONYs expected cash influx from selling these will be nill-in fact, this will bleed the company big time.

    What it will mean for the consumer, is that the PSP-3 may be very hard to find, as there will be supply and distribution problems, if this is not corrected PRONTO.
    SONY was counting on being able to flood the landscape with these in order to better 'push' BR.
    But apparaently not any longer.

    And we all know what it means when a desired product is scarce-much higher prices.

    SONY has alienated much of the CD community with the secret DRM implant from a few months ago.
    They have alienated much of the DVD community with subpar DVD releases of late.
    ie: too many pan and scan releases, or cancelled titles.

    And will they finally decide on flagging these BR discs so the folks with non-upconverting HDMI Monitors (or no HDMI outs at all) will be unable to play their discs in prime mode, if at all?
    If they do-all you thousands of folks with the non-upconverting/compliant "HD" Bigscreen TVs will have to donate them to GOODWILL, and buy a new one.

    While these trial discs dont have the feature yet, the *whole rational* in BRs security architecture was to keep
    people from copying or PLAYING 'unauthorized' discs.

    When SONY finally chooses to implement this essential (in their minds) baseline feature:

    1.You will be unable to download BR movies onto your computer from disc or Internet.
    2.You will need to connect to the internet through your player to get "permission" from a SONY server to play any title-not just SONY-Columbia movies.
    I do not know if HD discs/players have the same feature, but doubt it.

    Aside from the intrusion into your privacy, your player would be shut down via a signal from SONY if you tried to play a 'pirated', a backup disc, or one copied/borrowed from a friend. (It is not clear whether you will be locked out from that title only, or your WHOLE player will be shut down-and become a piece of junk-until the situation is rectified with SONY over an 800 number-remember, however, -thought criminals-er, pirates-you will have no reason to complain-or have recourse-what you did was ILLEGAL, so no amount of whining may save you-or your useless player.
    (While this is still conjecture-it is a likely and very real possibility-as they spent billion on just this sort of feature)
    They WILL NOT be burned by a cracked CSS code and wholesale DVD copying again.

    They are serious about "piracy"-and your friends borrowed copy of a title-maybe even if legit-will shut down your player just as if playing a dubious Chinese-made copy of PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN disc bought today.

    I dont think APPLE or anyone, should jump into BR just yet-It is not OUR duty to shore up a flagging, unproven-or any-HD format.

    Let the war of the marketplace and the better player decide, before you buy into another potential Laserdisc or Betamax-whether BR or HD, then make a decision

    It clearly looked for a moment that HD was the underdog, but that has changed overnight.
    While at this point I have a slight bias towards HD for no particular reason,
    I am sitting out ALL HD out until:

    1. ONE format emerges as the clear winner.
    2. Second generation of players and discs are available - a year or two from now-and most of the kinks are worked out.

    Jane Austen Emma. Emma, Jane Austen
  • Emma, Jane Austen

  • cohen777
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    What about updates to DVD Studio Pro, Soundtrack, and Motion?

    Jane Austen Emma. Jane Austen (Pic:Getty Images)
  • Jane Austen (Pic:Getty Images)

  • way2l84sanity
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Does this mean a new Video Ipod will be releaed also at the WWDC??
    and if the rumors are true about the mac pro being announced also, that's alot of new goodies from Steve.
    I don't like the rental model, it could find it's way into the music downloads. A $9.99 movie download at good quailty would be realy attractive. (too own)

    Jane Austen Emma. of Jane Austen#39;s Emma
  • of Jane Austen#39;s Emma

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 04:16 PM
    Perhaps AIR is an acronym?
    Apple I______ R______ :)

    Interesting... Very interesting... Apple InfaRed... Apple Internet Reader... Apple Instruction Ripper...

    Jane Austen Emma. theoct Jane+austen+emma+
  • theoct Jane+austen+emma+

  • LimeiBook86
    Apr 19, 12:08 PM
    My iMac is a bit over 5 years old, perfect time for an upgrade! :) All I'd like is a Thunderbolt port and a decent graphics chipset, I'm sure everything else will be fine. And a heck of a lot faster than my 2GHz Core Duo! Come on Apple, show us what you've got. :D

    Jane Austen Emma. tags: jane austen emma 2009
  • tags: jane austen emma 2009

  • cmaier
    Apr 2, 07:36 PM
    this commercial makes ipad seemed like it's only for kids.

    A lot of kids you know looking at CAT scans?

    Jane Austen Emma. for Jane Austen#39;s Emma.
  • for Jane Austen#39;s Emma.

  • karlfranz
    Nov 28, 10:49 AM
    Last week I was at my local Best Buy with a friend and we stopped at the MP3 player display to see the Zune for the first time. They had a black and a brown model on display. We were commenting on the ugly brown color when the salesguy told us they had actually sold one of the brown ones. We asked him what he thought about the Zune and his response was that it really wasn't too bad a player and showed some potential. He then said that, unfortunately, both the units on display were already broken so he couldn't shows us any features. We couldn't stop laughing as we walked away.

    Two days later I was at another friends' house for Thanksgiving dinner. I told him about the Zunes at Best Buy and how I couldn't try them out because they were broken. He disappeared into another room and reappeared with a brown Zune he had bought a few days earlier. My reply to him was "So you were the one that bought the brown Zune"!

    Jane Austen Emma. Jane Austen#39;s Emma
  • Jane Austen#39;s Emma

  • Multimedia
    Nov 15, 05:55 PM
    For some time, Handbrake didn't use more than two cores - owners of Quad G5s reported CPU usage of exactly 50 percent, then someone changed it and Quad G5s reported 100 percent CPU usage.

    What we don't know: Was the code changed to use up to four processors, or as many processors as are available? Developers are usually very unwilling to ship code that they haven't been able to try out, so expect a version using eight cores about two days after the developers have access to an eight core machine.

    In the case of Handbrake, encoding to MPEG4 seems already limited by the speed of the DVD drive; you can't encode faster than you can read from the DVD. H.264 is still limited by processor speed. Using eight cores is not too difficult; for example, if you encode 60 minutes of video, just give 7 1/2 minutes to each core.I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    I use Handbrake about 12-18 hours of every day and I use it after creating high quality DVD images from EyeTV HDTV recordings with Toast 7.1 UB. On a Mac Pro Handbrake can use more than 3 cores and Toast can use all 4 cores. This is why I want an 8 core Mac Pro. Once you start running Toast and Handbrake simultaneously, you see why those of us who do this kind of repetitive DVD Image creation for Handbrake to mp4 compression truly need 8-cores NOW. :eek:

    Jane Austen Emma. Emma - Jane Austen - Truyện
  • Emma - Jane Austen - Truyện

  • hyperpasta
    Sep 1, 03:02 PM
    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.

    Not more products... more BTO options. Here's my ideal line.

    Mac Cube - $499
    Low-end Conroe
    512MB RAM
    80GB HD (full-size)
    Intel Graphics

    Mac Cube - $699
    Mid-end Conroe
    1GB RAM
    120GB HD
    Intel Graphics

    All BTO... up to mid-end Conroe, 4GB of RAM, real video card, and even a 500GB HD!

    As it is now, but modernized specs and low to mid-Conroe. BTO DOWNgradable to the current "education" model.

    Mac Pro
    Also as it is now.

    MacBook White - $999
    Low-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    60GB HD
    Combo Drive
    Intel Graphics
    13" Matte Display

    MacBook White - $1299
    Mid-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    80GB HD
    Intel Graphics
    13" Matte Display

    BOTH models are equally upgradable... to 2GB RAM, 100GB HD, Low-End Graphics Card.

    MacBook Pro 15" - $1799
    High-End Merom
    1GB RAM
    80GB HD
    128MB Graphics
    15" Matte Display

    MacBook Pro 17" - $1999
    Same as 15" with 17" screen.

    See? FEWER models, more BTO. Much easier to find a Mac you agree with.

    Jane Austen Emma. An adaptation of Jane Austen#39;s
  • An adaptation of Jane Austen#39;s

  • Jazwire
    Apr 21, 11:25 AM
    Oh save us mighty Senator Stuart Smally.

    Maybe focus on Jobs, Deficit, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

    Not if my Iphone has an internal file that shows I went to Walmart then the strip club last Tuesday night.

    Jane Austen Emma. Bespelling Jane Austen an
  • Bespelling Jane Austen an

  • vnle
    Feb 19, 10:08 PM
    Not much I can do with my dorm.

    Do you go to UMD by any chance? :confused: Because that looks almost exactly like my dorm down to the tiny desk they give you.

    Jane Austen Emma. tags: jane austen emma 2009
  • tags: jane austen emma 2009

    Jul 19, 05:40 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    around six months or less

    Jane Austen Emma. In Jane Austen#39;s Words:
  • In Jane Austen#39;s Words:

  • Evangelion
    Jul 14, 05:37 AM
    It would be nice - in theory - to have a hyper-fast wireless connection; however, what does it matter if my outside line stays at 2M/512k speed?

    Because those speeds go up? And because you are not always accessing the outside?

    Jane Austen Emma. jane austen emma bbc 2009
  • jane austen emma bbc 2009

  • Transporteur
    Feb 26, 12:25 PM
    1xpain in the ass yellow labrador...

    :D Awesome!

    Great setup by the way. Looks great. Some more high res pictures would be nice, though. ;)

    Jane Austen Emma. of Jane Austen#39;s quot;Emma.quot;
  • of Jane Austen#39;s quot;Emma.quot;

  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 12:25 AM
    oh ok.

    you know, if you use the console client, you can tell it how many cores to use - like smp 7 would only use 7, instead of 8. but i'm not sure if it would make the deadline with only 7. probably not with less than that though.

    so with the 09's you can do other things while it's folding bigadv units and no problems?

    I don't use my 09 MP for anything real intense but even having several apps going it doesn't take anything out of folding, I get the same times regardless.

    Jane Austen Emma. tags: jane austen emma 2009
  • tags: jane austen emma 2009

  • LimeiBook86
    Apr 19, 12:08 PM
    My iMac is a bit over 5 years old, perfect time for an upgrade! :) All I'd like is a Thunderbolt port and a decent graphics chipset, I'm sure everything else will be fine. And a heck of a lot faster than my 2GHz Core Duo! Come on Apple, show us what you've got. :D

    Jane Austen Emma. POWER OF JANE AUSTEN. Emma

  • janstett
    Mar 23, 09:31 AM
    The chance that the iPod Classic is updated to 220GB is zero. Apple has no plans to ever update a hard drive based non-touch portable device (they would not waste their time), and they've shown even less interest in increasing the capacity of any device beyond even 64GB flash.


    Wasn't there a decrease from 160 to 120? But I see now it's back to 160.

    I'd like to see Apple take it to the next level -- 500gb - 1TB. I have a 500gb Archos (as well as two 240gb iPods) and none of them makes it past an altitude of 33,000 songs.

    Jane Austen Emma. of Jane Austen#39;s Emma,
  • of Jane Austen#39;s Emma,

  • paul4339
    Apr 26, 01:42 PM
    Amazon could have just used "AppShop" to avoid this issue, but no, of course not.

    they should use Amazon App Jungle: an un-curated mess. ;)

    Feb 8, 08:26 AM
    2008 Dodge Charger SE

    Thats an epic Charger, I like em' for the stealth cop looks.
    Charger Police Interceptor's FTW!

    Apr 2, 08:41 PM
    I believe! But I'm still not buying one.

    "This is what we believe. Technology alone is not enough. Faster, thinner, lighter...those are all good things. But when technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful...even magical very nice. That's when you leap forward. That's when you end up with something like this."

    Now THAT'S what I call marketing... :D

    Mar 24, 01:58 PM
    Still a monster, just a smaller monster. Kinda like 6970 is to Godzukei what 6990 is to Godzilla. ;)

    Just for you buddy:) IMO, you could beat Godzilla to death with this


    Aug 25, 04:00 AM
    I think the 64 bitness isn't really necessary for a Mac mini.

    64bitness brings other benefits for x86, besides increased address-space.

    Sep 12, 09:43 PM
    The photos on the BestBuy and Belkin websites are pretty good as far as fit and shine, but they do show the color as way too light and much too purpley. It's much darker and much closer to midnight blue than violet. It certain light there is a very slight violet hue, but it's a very cool deep color.

    Here is the best I can do for a photo right now...