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Friday, May 20, 2011

Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao

Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. dwyane wade dunk on varejao
  • dwyane wade dunk on varejao

  • Jack97
    Apr 3, 04:13 AM
    Did anyone else thing that was a really bad advert? They hardly showed the product fully at all!

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dunks On Anderson Varejao
  • Dunks On Anderson Varejao

  • Mr Fusion
    Apr 21, 10:27 PM
    ... Really? Since privacy issues don't seem to mean squat to some people here, mind handing over your credit card numbers, SSN's, compromising photographs etc. They uh, help improve my networks. ;)

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Tags: Dwyane, Wade, DEMOLISH,
  • Tags: Dwyane, Wade, DEMOLISH,

  • iJawn108
    Jan 1, 05:24 PM
    I think we'll see QT 8 previewed.:D

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Varejao Dwyane Wade Dunk
  • Varejao Dwyane Wade Dunk

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 06:02 PM
    Oh dear this is getting serious the French have called up the philosophers including Bernard-Henri Levy.:eek:Run! Run for the collines!

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. dwyane wade dunking on
  • dwyane wade dunking on

  • kultschar
    Mar 26, 09:43 AM
    Would seem a good next step is to empower the ATV with this kind of processing power, while allowing the use of iphones/touches/ipads as controllers. Imaging HUDs and virtual controllers - or Garageband Hero?

    Maybe you wouldn't have full length epic saga games (or maybe you would via streaming), but for $99 + $5-$10 a game, you have a serious competitor to traditional consoles.

    Yup - this is surely the way the ATV is going to go or get the tech good enough to allow airplay thru the iPad for gaming, imagine not poss with the delay / lag currently

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane+wade+dunk+over+varejao
  • Dwyane+wade+dunk+over+varejao

  • Tmelon
    Mar 30, 08:27 PM
    So I was thinking that we might as well compile a list of changes in the newest build. To start things off:

    1. Macbook Pro 2011 support
    2. New iCal look

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane+wade+dunking+on+
  • Dwyane+wade+dunking+on+

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 19, 05:52 PM
    More? No. This app says that homosexuals need help, a bit like alcoholics. That is far more offensive than farts or t&m.

    Hence I said 'IMO', as I was certain that some, if not most, users, such as yourself, would disagree.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwayne-wade-dunks-on-varejao
  • Dwayne-wade-dunks-on-varejao

  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    Your point is that you cannot find such a trademark as "app store" in the standard character format because "app store" is too general right? The other person posted that "pet store" would be a ridiculous example of this.

    Ok fair enough. Pet store was registered in the stylized or design format.

    But your basic argument against Apple is that they cannot use app store as a trademark in the broader text format because it is too general. But this is not the only example of such a thing.

    If this is the case then Apple Store will be thrown out too. It is the same type of trademark. Two words, not one and not preceded by "the".

    App Store
    Apple Store

    The other argument is that "app" is too generic and that the term was around prior to the trademark. I do not believe this is valid either as "app" may have existed but was not widely used. The argument would have been used agains the prior trademark of "appstore" in that case.

    One thing is for sure. Our opinions will have no bearing on the final outcome.

    You define the lexicon of the overall society?

    I think you are missing the point:

    "What are some other reasons for refusing registration?

    Registration may be refused if the mark is:

    • Descriptive for the goods/services;
    • A geographic term;
    • A surname;
    • Ornamental as applied to the goods"

    Source: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/basics/BasicFacts_with_correct_links.pdf

    App Store is descriptive of what it does. In other words, it sells apps or applications. Therefore, it cannot be trademarked. Apple can use it if they want, but so can anyone else doing the same thing.

    This is pretty much saying that Microsoft is going to trademark Operating System. Both Microsoft and Apple make operating systems. What Windows is is a type of operating system. Windows does not describe the product.


    Shop that sells windows cannot trademark "Window Seller" because it describes precisely what the shop does. It is generic + descriptive = no trademark.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. January ,dwyane wade dunk die
  • January ,dwyane wade dunk die

  • guzhogi
    Jul 18, 09:58 AM
    I like to know that I can listen to (or view) my music on my schedule, at my convenience, on my time. If someone's telling me that I've got to hew to THEIR schedule, then it's just ceased being convenient.
    It's not supposed to be convenient, it's supposed to make the movie companies money. ;)

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Tags: Dwyane, Wade, DEMOLISH,
  • Tags: Dwyane, Wade, DEMOLISH,

  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 09:05 PM
    You reckon he actually responds to fan mails on his iPhone? :D

    I'm sure its not 'his' iPhone, as he only makes 1$ per year from Apple. I'm sure he is having to borrow another persons iPhone.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Varejao Dwyane Wade Dunk
  • Varejao Dwyane Wade Dunk

  • ipedro
    Apr 12, 08:35 PM
    Who thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dunks On Dwyane Wade
  • Dunks On Dwyane Wade

  • KevanDual2.5
    Sep 6, 08:56 AM
    Maybe i am alone on this one....

    I think the 24" iMac G5 is the beginning of the end of the G5 iMac. We all watched as the outstanding G4 iMac grew from a 15" to a 17" and finally to 20". While the stunning design remained the same, the 20" just didn't look as good as the 2 previous models. The proportions were wrong and it looked top-heavy.

    I am sitting in front of an original 23" Apple Display (plastic rather than aluminium). The new iMac cannot be much smaller than it. I firmly believe that the 24" will be, and should be, as big as it gets. I just hope that heat doesn't become a problem with the Core 2 Duo chips else the G5 iMac may have to evolve into a new enclosure.

    Anyone else have thoughts similar?

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. dwyane wade dunking on
  • dwyane wade dunking on

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 26, 01:54 PM
    App is a generic.
    Store is a generic.
    Appstore is a generic.


    Example: Grocery Store, Book Store, Appliance Store.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane Wade dunk on Varejao
  • Dwyane Wade dunk on Varejao

  • FearNo1
    Apr 23, 12:30 AM
    Its good that you are at least suspicious of apple's actions. There has to be a reason why apple inc still has not responded to this. BTW, before someone asks, no I do not have an android or other smart phone as they could be worse at spying than iphone.

    Not this easy.

    It's not so much about finding people at any moment, but knowing where they've been. And this file makes it dirt simple to find that out.

    A guy in your terrorist cell claims he's not FBI, because he's never been to Washington DC. Even his phone contacts are all people nowhere near there. Yet what if his cache list says otherwise. He's probably dead.

    By now, you also know that I always speak from personal experience when possible.

    I was Military Intelligence and NSA in the heart of the Cold War. I did undercover field work at times. This kind of easy info is both priceless and dangerous. I've seen field officers compromised in almost every way imaginable. My scenarios are not stretches by any means.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane Wade#39;s profile on
  • Dwyane Wade#39;s profile on

  • NT1440
    Feb 23, 11:33 PM
    Why do Americans harbor hate for diesel? I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    As a driver of a diesel 1994 GMC suburban, I've noticed a ton of people really don't even know what diesel is or where to get it. It simply just doesn't have the market penetration like gas does.

    I don't like how polluting my car is, but todays "clean diesel" engines are far more considerate in this regard.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. dwyane wade dunk on varejao
  • dwyane wade dunk on varejao

  • mysteria
    Apr 3, 03:20 AM
    Fullscreen flash videos in Safari are finally without menu bar bug.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane Wade Dunk Over Anderson
  • Dwyane Wade Dunk Over Anderson

  • Stella
    Nov 27, 01:53 PM
    Why do you continue to link to DigiTimes? Its not worth the time and effort, they are highly inaccurate - 100% wrong.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane Wade Dunk: ricky rubio
  • Dwyane Wade Dunk: ricky rubio

  • macfan70
    Nov 27, 01:43 PM
    This Asus LCD is great but even at 500 bucks very few people will buy it.
    The rotating feature would be great for reading threads. ;)

    Asus has this (http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=10&l2=88&l3=367&model=1136&modelmenu=1) display which includes speakers and a webcam. It would be nice if Apple introduced a similar concept with a display only. It would be prefect for the Mac mini.

    Dwyane Wade Dunking Over Varejao. Dwyane Wade Sick dunk over
  • Dwyane Wade Sick dunk over

  • ecflagcorp
    Jun 23, 12:21 PM
    I can see many benefits to develop from this. Maybe not on an iMac, but a larger iPad with iMac or Mac Pro power from a designing stand point.

    Yes, keep the use of a mouse and/or keyboard for the comfort side of things. But when it comes to intricate design, a mouse is just a pain to use. A Wacom tablet has been around a while and some still use it, but you're pretty much drawing blind folded. If you could use a type of stylus or a finger and draw/edit directly on the screen that would make detail work sooooo much easier and faster.

    I think this is a good direction. Who says the iMac will still be a desktop monitor/computer? It could be like the iPad maybe with a popout easel for use as a freestanding monitor (maybe not as cheesy as that, but you get the picture), while still keeping your "all in one" desktop component.

    Feb 24, 02:59 PM
    A bit off-topic, but why haven't car manufacturers created hybrid cars that use a diesel engine + battery? There are lots of petrol-electric hybrids, but not diesel. :confused:

    well i suspect we will see such cars first from a european car company: the japanese are on the front for gasoline powered ones but they simply lack any know how in regard to diesel

    just look at their european diesel line up where i suspect 70-80% of all their diesel options are in reality just an engine they bought and slapped their name on the cover

    VW is actually working/worked on a diesel range extender hbrid system for their recent small car concept projects, like 'up!" etc.:
    it combined light weight materials throughout with an electric engine for normal driving and for highway speeds and extending range a small 2 cylinder 0.8 liter diesel engine optimized to run at constant speeds
    quite clever actually .. the overall output combined still was around 70 hp or so which combined with a low weight of the car (800-900kg) still was juicy enough
    looking at the very current and very genius Fiat Twin Air engines i have to say that very refined turbocharged small displacement/ few cylinder engines are actually the next step over the overly complicated hybrid systems

    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:36 AM
    Its good that you are at least suspicious of apple's actions. There has to be a reason why apple inc still has not responded to this. BTW, before someone asks, no I do not have an android or other smart phone as they could be worse at spying than iphone.

    my guess is ... it is some future AdSpam thing Apple wants to implement such as how FaceBook and Google use to make money.

    They goofed by not encrypting it and will likely change that

    Nov 28, 01:36 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Well that explains their new police cars lol

    Mar 22, 12:48 PM

    goddamn i can't make a joke on these forums. i was kidding dude. it's not a choice, if it were a choice it would have been a fad that went away years ago. Some people are naturally attracted to the same sex, and not just people, homosexuality has been demonstrated in animals as well. Some brains are just wired differently, and to deny them rights for it is just not fair.

    Apr 26, 01:31 PM
    It mostly has to do with if it is confusing. Apple has a trade mark on "App Store" to sell applications through an online store. Amazon is using "Appstore" and is selling applications through an online store. Apple has a pretty strong case that Amazon is infringing on their trademark. If Amazon used "Appstore" for a chain of tire rotating store, Amazon could probably be in the clear. As it stands they are too close in intended use. Microsofts strategy is to invalidate the trademark. It's up to the USPTO to decide on the trademark.

    Apple doesn't have the trademark yet.
    It's still in the opposition phase. ;)