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Friday, May 20, 2011

Noirmoutier En L

Noirmoutier En L. house Noirmoutier en l#39;île
  • house Noirmoutier en l#39;île

  • JoshH
    Aug 6, 10:27 PM
    Happy WWDC Eve everyone! May tomorrow bring you everything you wanted! :rolleyes: ;) :D


    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île : Nombre
  • Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île : Nombre

  • smithrh
    Apr 9, 09:12 PM
    Sure, I learned on stick-shift and drove several years with a variety of cars and trucks, including 3-on-the-tree 1978 Suburban (manual steering, manual brakes, what a bear that was!)... never drove a double-clutch though.

    Manuals - while they absolutely can be a fun riot - are losing their advantages over automatics, including fast-locking TCs and DCTs and such.

    Car manufacturers have to certify each car type - if they offer an automatic and a manual, that's two different cars to the US government's eyes, and both have to be tested.

    Plus, of all the major auto racing circuits, only NASCAR still uses stick shifts. That ought to tell people something...

    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier en l#39;Ile Picture
  • Noirmoutier en l#39;Ile Picture

  • NATO
    Aug 16, 10:47 AM
    Apple has apparently denied this rumour... unusual for them, but I reckon it's probably something they're working on

    The Register - Apple Wireless iPod Denial (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/08/16/apple_denies_wireless_ipod_claim/)

    Noirmoutier En L. de Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île en
  • de Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île en

  • treichert
    Apr 13, 04:05 AM
    I read about the new iCal before updating, and actually saved the old iCal from DP1 and copied it over after updating to DP2. It worked just fine, though it's interesting to note that the 'ugly' DP2 version was much smaller in size than the original DP1 version. DP1 iCal was over 40mb, while the new & ugly iCal was only around 13mb.

    Oh well, I still happily sacrificed the extra space for a more usable interface.

    How exactly was it more usable?

    The only thing that changed is the color, the layout is exactly the same.

    Noirmoutier En L. NOIRMOUTIER EN L#39;ILE (France.
  • NOIRMOUTIER EN L#39;ILE (France.

  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 12:20 PM

    What about this ? :)

    Makes me hope that they bring back three levels:

    $499 Core Duo 1.66, 60/80GB HD, Combo drive
    $599 1.66, 100GB HD, Super Drive
    $699 1.83, 100GB/120GB, Super Drive

    Noirmoutier En L. Slideshow of Noirmoutier en l#39;
  • Slideshow of Noirmoutier en l#39;

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Jun 24, 01:39 AM
    damn Son, very nicely done!:cool:

    That's a very old render. I doubt MacAllen made it. Plus, why would you want a transparent display on a desktop? I can almost understand it on a window, but on a desktop it just looks like ****.

    Noirmoutier En L. m² in Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île
  • m² in Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île

  • umag
    Feb 21, 04:28 PM
    Hi, can anyone explain me how is the Cinema Display 30" "flying" in Transporteur's 2007 setup (page 79, Part 13)? :confused:

    Is he using a VESA wall mount?


    Noirmoutier En L. NOIRMOUTIER EN L#39;ILE ILE

  • Aniej
    Jan 3, 11:44 AM
    Perhaps appleinsider should start to focus on their own site rather than apple's new products as part of their 2007 resolutions. Their homepage is, as you can see from my screenshot, full of useful information complete with an advertisement for vista. Classic:rolleyes:

    Noirmoutier En L. of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Ile,
  • of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Ile,

  • Speczorz
    Sep 29, 02:08 AM
    Still satisfied with my dermashot. It really hasn't collected much dust. If your on the wall still about a silicon case, check it out.


    Noirmoutier En L. of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Ile,
  • of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Ile,

  • Benguitar
    Nov 25, 07:45 PM
    Yeah that didn't make sense. ;)

    FWIW, I really love Pelican cases. I'll be buying one soon to put a couple guns in. Kudos to you for taking care of your $h!t.

    You will most likely never drive a Ferrari at full speed, My glasses may never be crushed by a truck. But it's nice to have the speed/protection. :cool:

    And thank you for the kudos, It's something my family (grandfather mostly) taught me to do all my life. :)

    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier en l Ile
  • Noirmoutier en l Ile

  • Nuvi
    Jun 22, 01:12 PM
    I wouldn't mind an iOS-type OS on an iMac as long as it had some more features of a full-fledged desktop OS. As in:

    -Multiple Users
    -Some kind of file system
    -More apps of a creative side (ie movie editing, word processing, programming, etc.) instead of just media consuming apps

    Note: this list is not exhaustive; there are many more features I'd like that I just can't think of at the moment.

    Plus, some games/apps will need to be done, specifically those that need the accelerometers. I don't think people would want to swing around a 20/30 pound computer. But that would be a good way to make more money; people keep breaking them so they'll have to pay for repairs/new ones.

    Makes no sense what so ever. First of all who wants to be touching some vertical display all day long. Second (or another first...) none of the OS X apps would work. This makes no sense. There is already a iPad available. Why make another iPad and call it iMac.

    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier en l Ile
  • Noirmoutier en l Ile

  • maclaptop
    Apr 10, 01:59 PM
    Although in sports cars, sequential gearboxes are best.

    When I move to the US though, I will probably be driving an Automatic, it will be simply something to get me from A to B. Rather than over here when I drive around lovely B (country) roads to get to places and a manual gearboxes are just more fun on twisty roads.
    Yes in terms of quick shifting a sequential gearbox is it.

    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier en l#39;Ile Travel
  • Noirmoutier en l#39;Ile Travel

  • BillyShears
    Jan 11, 10:12 PM
    The only reason i can see it being called Air is because its all wireless....i.e. it connects to its Docking station wirelessly via Ultrawideband wireless USB (which would also connect the External Optical), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc

    I still call BS though.

    Would be interesting. You have your "docking station", complete with super drive, hooked up to your external monitor and keyboard/mouse. So you only have to put your MacBook Air in the vicinity of the docking station (say, sit it on the table), and it switches over.

    The problems I see are:

    Noirmoutier En L. NOIRMOUTIER EN L#39;ILE ILE

  • SciFrog
    Feb 17, 12:55 PM
    No remote login?

    Noirmoutier En L. Noirmoutier-en-l Ile,
  • Noirmoutier-en-l Ile,

  • bigpics
    Mar 24, 12:57 PM
    Dude, I'm sorry to inform you that what you're saying is an outright lie, and there are guys from the Lossless Compression Clan, called "Apple Lossless codec", "FLAC", and "APE", standing with heavy cluebats in their hands, ready to perform a painful reality sync on anyone thinking compression ALWAYS degrades quality.

    Because it doesn't, full stop.You're (very probably) right. My comments were aimed at those who were saying the Classic is overkill because who could ever "need" anything more than 128 or even 256 kbps AAC's or mp3's. (Nobody even mentioned 320, at which many of my fave songs are ripped.)

    So as for the "lossless" CODECs, my reach exceeds my grasp. When it comes to photo files I pretty much understand the principles of ZFW lossless compression in TIFF files and have thousands of 'em. And in case anyone doesn't know, if you work on JPEG's and do multiple editing sessions on a photo, you do introduce new compression artifacts every time you re-save even at the highest settings. I've done tests for kicks and giggles - repeatedly opening and saving .jpg's and you reach a point where the image looks like a (very) bad xerox copy.

    Back to audio, I've plowed through a few articles on formats - years ago - and I've seen slightly differing conclusions about Apple Lossless and FLAC ('tho all felt that these were alternatives worth considering for at least the great majority of people serious about sound), but, frankly, I lack the chops to have an informed opinion of my own, and know nada about APE.

    And, no, while I can appreciate friends' systems that are tricked out with vacuum tube amps, "reference" speakers and high-end vinyl pressings, I'm hardly one of the hard-core audiophiles in practice. My files are mostly 256 and 320 kbps, my home speaker placements are wrong and I use preset ambiance settings that totally mess with the sound to produce surround effects from AAC's.

    Worse, the great majority of my listening is on the mid-level rig in my car at freeway speeds or in city traffic, meaning I and millions of others are constantly fighting like, what, 20-30 db of non-music noise that totally overwhelms delicate nuances in sound. And worst, some of my earliest pre-iPod rips (back when I had a massive 20 GB HDD) were done in RealPlayer at 96 or even 64 kbps - before I sold or traded those CDs - and yeah, in the car, some of those still sound "pretty good" to me (tho' some clearly don't).

    Add the (lack of) quality of most ear buds and headsets used by most people, and there's probably less than 5% of music listeners experiencing "true high-fidelity." To turn around an old ad campaign, no, our music listening today is "not live - it's Memorex."

    But my point was and is that there's no reason to champion lossy compression per se other than for the economies of storage space it provides, and for fungible uses like topical podcasts.

    As long as we have the space, "data fidelity" is desirable so that the files we produce which will be around for many years - and get spread to many people - don't discard signal for no real gain. No one would put up with "lossy" word processing compression that occasionally turned "i's" into "l's" after all.

    And those audio files will still be around in a future of better DAC's, speakers, active systems which routinely monitor and cancel out things like apartment, road and car noise (in quieter electric cars with better road noise supression in the first place), better mainstream headsets and who knows what other improvements.

    Compatibility between players (software or hardware) used to be another reason to choose, say, mp3's, but there's really no meaningful competition to Apple's portable sound wonders any more.

    So please keep those "cluebats" holstered! No offense intended. ;)

    Noirmoutier En L. Slideshow of Noirmoutier en l#39;
  • Slideshow of Noirmoutier en l#39;

  • Built
    Apr 3, 05:55 AM
    Ah, the fine sound of someone clutching at straws...

    You'd do better to revise your opinion with a little more research and analysis, rather than keep digging yourself into ever more ridiculous holes in an argument you don't even realise you have lost.

    Another Apple apologist surfaces! Instead of holding Apple responsible for providing a defect-free product, you make excuses for them and ridicule those for whom such major issues as light bleed and other quality control issues are unacceptable in a relatively costly piece of consumer electronics.

    You are all quite entertaining in your defense of Apple...especially Matassas or whatever his name his trying to pass the light bleed issue as minor and isolated, despite the fact that it is being reported all over the Internet. The only real trolls here are you and your fellow Apple apologists.

    Noirmoutier En L. m² in Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île
  • m² in Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île

  • Mr-Stabby
    Apr 12, 09:05 PM
    As seen on one of the pics, there is also a bottle of water on the stage. A Steve Jobs trademark :) Any chance he could turn up?

    Noirmoutier En L. of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île,
  • of Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île,

  • kelving525
    Sep 30, 02:48 PM
    So, did you keep it?

    Just curious ... I'm on the fence here, really just waiting to see what else comes out in the next few weeks.

    Yes, I'm still using the case. It's the only case that feels nice from what I saw in Best Buy.

    Noirmoutier En L. sur Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île
  • sur Noirmoutier-en-l#39;Île

  • imac_japan
    Apr 15, 10:06 AM
    We know this guy is an ignoramus. We know Apple doesn't need saving. We know that as far as corporations go Apple couldn't be much healthier. We know what Apple's target market is, and that a cheap computer won't accomplish anything. Most importantly, we know we won't change iMacjapan's mind. He's stubborn and he's not listening.

    Hey, thank you for being an idiot !! I wasn't replying because I went on Holidays. I went to see Tokyo for Five days and track down the old places of Edo described in Ernest Satow's 1921 book "A diplomat in Japan" and to buy a new Emac !! Its 115 000 yen in Japan for a Superdrive model. Oh, I forgot...For you being a high school graduate - Edo (or Yedo in some translations) is the old name of Tokyo. Up until the Meiji restoration.

    If I was stupid - I wouldn't speak two languages
    If I was an ignorant person - I would have stayed in my home country and not learn about the ways of the world...I believe that you have spent too much time in front of you mac.
    If I was a vain pretender to knowledge - Do you know who Ernest Satow was ? Do you know over 2,000 Japanese kanji characters ? Do you know how to live in another country ? You have NO IDEA

    So please don't call other people names - This is a thread for discussion not a primary school (If you are American - a primary school is a elementary school) :D

    Aug 29, 05:42 PM
    Amen to that. I give this about as much credibility as an apple rumor scrawled in sharpie on a gas station toilet stall.

    Huh? What happened there? Didn't Think Secret used to be the place to go for the most accurate rumors? I definitely trust macrumors and appleinsider a lot more than think secret now though.

    Apr 2, 10:47 PM
    Since so many of the units purchased in the last two weeks are destined for resale overseas (read the Asian scalper threads) have not even made it into the hands of the end-user, you have no idea how many will be returned.

    No need to thank me for pointing out the obvious to you and your fellow apologists.

    When Apple has their Quarterly press conference expect the iPad 2 to list 4+ million or more sales with back orders in the millions.

    The return rate of all Apple products, across all of their hardware lines are lowest in the entire industry.

    The iPhone 4 fiasco had a return rate half of that of the iPhone 3GS that everyone loved.

    iPad return rate is at 2%: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20030211-37.html

    Look to that being at or lower for the iPad 2.

    Jan 12, 07:26 AM
    I actually like the name. Anyone else? :D

    Yeah! Me, too. People better get used to it. If I recall correctly, MacRumors is pretty accurate when publishing rumors from their own sources.


    Apr 19, 11:49 AM
    Apple will be pushing out Thunderbolt for sure....

    I wonder when the cinema displays will get the thunderbolt port for daisychaining ?

    Macbook Air with the iMac?

    I think Professionals will be waiting to upgrade to hardware unless it thunderbolt ready like the MBP....huge advantage for Pro use with thunderbolt as opposed to current firewire 800.

    Jan 6, 05:57 AM

    Sorry...didn't realise the pic was so large. thought the forum might resize it. Here's a smaller version. Anyway. My beloved .:R32 :)