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Thursday, May 19, 2011

volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial

volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. The Official 2012 Volkswagen
  • The Official 2012 Volkswagen

  • MacsomJRR
    Nov 27, 01:02 AM
    I'd buy a mac tablet in a heartbeat.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. new eetle 2012 commercial.
  • new eetle 2012 commercial.

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 27, 04:06 AM
    God I'm so sick of people making this excuse. So just because no one else has found the right formula it means that Apple can't right?

    Have you ever used a tablet before? If not you are missing out. The experience feels much more personal for some reason. It feels like a platform that is begging for Apple to do something with it.

    PS- Let me guess you were one of those people screeching that Apple would NEVER go Intel. Would never release an iPod with photo capabilities or video. Would never allow Windows to run on a Mac.

    Its running a slightly modified version of Windows. What did you expect? :rolleyes: Anyone who comes out with a tablet needs to do more then slap their OS on it. there needs to be a fundimental shift in HOW you interact with the OS.

    Sorry, Silicon, but your "If Apple does it, it works" argument is weak in this case...the Tablet market is simply tiny, period.

    And why so? Because, instead of facing a constrained demand for music players or video players (as in the case of the iPod market), the Tablet faces NOTHING which is not already dealt with under other segments.

    We have, on one hand, desktops, laptops and notebooks which fit the bill for everyone, notably if we consider the small-sub note market (10"-13").

    On the other hand, we have full-fledged mobile phones and PDAs which cover the needs of those preferring portability over sheer power.

    And where are the tablets? NOWHERE, because they only fit the bills of us freaks desiring a nice pen-based Mac...sorry, it's not enough for a big company like Apple to base its products on such a small audience...and I am sure their market analysis team has already done its homework.

    Windows is a CRAP, granted...but this doesn't block PC fanboys from buying millions of notebooks every year; this argument is moot as well, and OS X will have limited market impact for the adoption of a Tablet.

    As for your funny arguments at the end, I may just say that they have nothing to do with other product adoptions such as the vPod and the Intel switch...the former is a basic evolution of the iPod (although still selling much less than normal iPods devoted to music), the latter a clear choice by Apple in face of IBM's lack of devotion to the PowerPC.

    You seem to speak from a position of personal knowledge. Is this because you actual know these facts, or is it just the conviction of your analysis?

    I happen to know one of your statements is false. My company needs it and wants it. So do many people in the construction industry. In many respects, we are blind to the activities where we make our money. So, we are forced to often depend on a management layer to provide a communication stream between our administrative resources and our jobsites. However, in many cases, we manage in reactionary mode because of the inadequacies of our communication pathway.

    When I was hired seven years ago, one of my assigned goals was to automate our field operations. I am going to condense many years of study and experimentation into a single statement. Tablet PC's have the right combination of footprint and technology to 'close the loop' for what we need.

    My company has incorporated many advanced technologies. We have hosted numerous 'show and tell' sessions for others in the industry. A by-product of this has been the development of a large peer group of other construction IT professionals. We all see the need to manage field operations through technology, not through untimely reports, telephone calls and/or faxes, weekly meetings, etc.

    Sorry, your argument is also insufficient. Construction companies have used PDAs for years, including the Newton...and that's why a mere evolution of such products is more than enough. If you think ONE anecdotal evidence of a company adopting advanced technologies is enough, think again.

    For 99% of the market needing portability (including construction, engineering, delivery companies, logistics integrators and the like), people will go either "notebook" or "advanced PDA"...the Tablet is right in-between, squeezed among 2 MUCH clearer choices. "Footprint" and "technology" are pretty much covered by both poles...and not by a vaporware Tablet.

    Origami = Tablet = Flop...never forget this.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. volkswagen beetle 2012
  • volkswagen beetle 2012

  • Spoony
    Apr 18, 04:56 PM
    I remember first seeing the GalaxyS and it's such a blatant rip-off of Apple's design they have every right to sue on this..

    But now watch as the Apple haters try to weasel this as a 'generic' design..

    Apple brings out the 'App Store'.. everyone copies them....It's generic

    Apple brings out the iPhone... everyone copies them.. It's generic

    Imitation is a form of flattery.. but when you're business depends on having the best designs, you need to protect your edge.

    I agree. I think the people posting on blogs like engadget or maybe even here are too young to appreciate the phones we had to use pre 2006/2007. It's as if their first phone was an iphone/android and oh of course why wouldn't a phone behave like this. It's so obvious.

    No it's not. It's not that obvious. Phones sucked so bad before the iphone. Smart phones sucked even worse. Treo's, Q's omg. horrible pieces of equipment.

    Apple has every right to sue over this. I'm surprised it took them this long.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. volkswagen beetle 2012
  • volkswagen beetle 2012

  • dontmatter
    Apr 7, 03:00 PM
    What a way to win.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Volkswagen Beetle 2012
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012

  • Merkie
    Mar 27, 07:03 AM
    There are already multiple iPads.....18 of them to be exact. Why would u think Apple would want to add to this already rediculous number. This whole idea about a iPad pro line needs to stop. It doesn't make sense. It's only 2011. Want an iPad pro.....get an AIR.

    You mean 12.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. The new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • The new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • damson34
    May 8, 12:07 AM
    I guess I am the only one that remembers that it started out as a free service. Before it was .Mac it was called iTools and it was free. It was a benefit of being a part of the Mac community. It certainly was much more basic back then, but I have been using it since. The remote wipe for iPhone and other added features keep it worth the family pac price for this household even if it doesn't go back to being a free service.

    I remember good old iTools, in fact, you didnt even have to have a mac to use the email if I remember right. There was a huge uproar when a Jaguar update started branding it .mac and would began charging. The good old days! It's kinda a sucker punch to all of us who paid when it was .mac. The only benefits of .mac were iDisk, ecards and backup really. $99 for that compared to mobileMe, makes mobileMe a bargain, lol.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. The new VW Beetle disposed of
  • The new VW Beetle disposed of

  • Grokgod
    Aug 7, 09:16 PM
    Yea the 4x512 does suck, there wasnt even an option to put 2x1 gigers.


    But I figure that I will get a 4 giger kit, slap that in and revel in my 6 gigs.

    A personal best.

    oh , how sad my life has become when the acquisition of ram beyond the past has replaced my once formidable tales of conquest and achievement.

    I make myself sick,:D but why am i smiling?

    Cause its 6 gigs man, that should scream!:p

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle.
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle.

  • M-Life
    Aug 4, 12:35 PM
    please let it be in the mac mini...

    2nd that notion. I waited last summer for updated Ibooks and this summer for an updated mini.

    At the very least, Apple is making my summers seem very very slow, and that I can't complain about.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. new eetle 2012 commercial.
  • new eetle 2012 commercial.

  • miles01110
    Aug 4, 08:30 AM
    I think I remeber reading that exact point in an interview with an Intel exec - they like the way Apple can bring a product to market quickly, and use innovative technologies in their chips before anyone else.

    We like it too...the main problem is that it's usually not soon enough!

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. new eetle 2012 commercial.
  • new eetle 2012 commercial.

  • trip1ex
    Mar 29, 01:00 PM
    Not enough for my collection.

    And never felt like I had to download music at work and anywhere else.

    Maybe I'm out of touch, but ...

    I do like the idea of not having to back stuff up in case I lose it to a hard drive crash.

    5gb ain't enough to cover my collection however.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Media Player. Volkswagen Super
  • Media Player. Volkswagen Super

  • KCMichaelB
    Nov 11, 09:14 AM
    How wrong you are.
    This software actually protects for more than just viruses, it also removes trojans which HAVE been written for Mac. It also removes Windows viruses that you as a user can still pass on to other people. It removed 3 trojans from my machine, yes they were Windows trojans, BUT I will now not pass them on in emails, etc.

    Be ignorant if you like, but one day soon we will all be caught out.

    It found 7 trojans (6 for Windows and 1 for OS X) on my Mac.

    Btw, how does one know if their computer is virus/malware/adware free if they never scan for it?

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Volkswagen is set to air two
  • Volkswagen is set to air two

  • dethmaShine
    May 4, 05:55 PM
    Thank you for making my point for me. Last time I checked you were the one making predictions that Lion was going to be handled in the store exactly like every other app.

    All I am saying is that there is no proof to point either way at the moment. But coming to a conclusion that Lion is going to be handled like every other app is like concluding that the iPhone SDK, when released, was going to be exactly like "web apps" were previously.

    No wonder, making a prediction is such a big crime. :rolleyes:

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • puuukeey
    Sep 11, 02:41 PM
    * new middle mac should be thirty inch tv. built in bluetooth for control couch. remote with track ball. bundled with eyetv and x10 automation software. NO MORE WHITE PLASTIC
    * bluetooth remote. (a few more buttons)
    * Airport Express with video and 5.1
    * Plugin architecture for front row!!!!!!!!!
    * add screen savers to front row(did this myself)
    * add video and audio messaging to front row (did this myself)
    * Jeff Han coffee table.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle : New
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle : New

  • Detlev
    Jul 30, 11:16 AM
    Firstly I think the phone itself will be called "iPod Phone" as the trademark for iPhone is already taken...
    But then the acronym would be iPP :D

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. new eetle 2012 commercial.
  • new eetle 2012 commercial.

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:12 AM
    in order to speed up the game:
    i assume that either we find nothing or we disable a trap or we find a level treasure.
    in any case those do not affect our immediate game, so I will already call turn2:
    R1T2: Loras' group opens the top right door and moves into the next room

    if in the start room we would have found something that might have affected our next move (like a special treasure of some sort, a map or the like) then please disregard the above decision.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle to
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle to

  • steadysignal
    Apr 20, 07:49 AM
    Springing for just a faster processor. Dont't think thats gonna happen. I'll just stick with my iP4 until the following year...

    seconded. i hold my cash until the update is more meaningful.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Video: 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • Video: 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • johndallas999
    Apr 26, 03:15 PM
    Competition is good! Especially for Apple and their my way or the highway way of doing things. I love my IP4 but Apple needs a kick in their wallet to get them motivated to keep up.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Volkswagen Beetle 2012
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012

  • netdog
    Sep 11, 09:05 AM

    volkswagen beetle 2012 commercial. Volkswagen Beetle 2012 Driving
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012 Driving

  • MacLawyer
    May 4, 03:10 PM
    I'm guessing DVDs or USB keys will be around for awhile for the big things like a major OS upgrade, Office, Creative Suite.

    Apr 24, 04:18 PM
    This would be absolutely amazing.

    Chris Blount
    Apr 18, 02:48 PM
    Samsung will simply pay a hefty amount to Apple and we will never hear anything about this again.

    Apr 25, 10:02 AM
    Yes, Apple is not the first or last company to use emerging tech to track user information. That said, the information they do collect needs to be understood by the user...including the rational behind the collection. i.e., want to see your location on Google Maps? "Accept Location Services" for this instance...etc

    things are far too muddy

    Hammer God
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    My thought exactly. They would also avoid pissing off 11 million Verizon iPhone customers.

    Hadn't thought of that. Also a good point.

    Having said all this, Apple often points out that they don't worry about their competition, they just do their own thing and let the market sort it out.

    But the decision as to when you release the LTE iPhone will be one of the bigger ones they make in the next few years. Too soon, not enough infrastructure/buyers; too late, you may lose ground to rivals.

    The one thing you can say about Steve Jobs, however, is that he has a very good sense of timing. He generally seems to know when the technology is ready to meet the expectations of consumers. I'm guessing he'll make the right call here again.

    Apr 18, 04:15 PM
    I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.

    Not really. Google is actually pretty different from iOS. It's Samsung who chose to edit the interface and all those icons to look like iPhone. That's why Apple is going straight after Samsung. Android OS has some similarities but overall they are pretty different.