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Friday, May 20, 2011

red japanese maple leaves

red japanese maple leaves. Japanese maple leaves Royalty
  • Japanese maple leaves Royalty

  • beany boy
    Apr 20, 07:13 AM
    All I am thinking about after this news is the release date of the Iphone 6.

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaf.
  • red japanese maple leaf.

  • coder12
    Apr 21, 06:50 PM
    Very interesting. This is very plausible because of Lenovo has the C20 workstation (which I picked out for myself at my work):


    The ThinkStation is 3U rackmountable, with the CD tray vertical for the thinner chassis. Fits full-length, full-height PCIe (video) cards. They called it the "world's smallest dual CPU workstation" so Apple could definitely match it for the Mac Pro.

    I'd really like to get a Mac Pro, so this would be perfect. :) The size is nice though honestly I don't really see much need for rackmounting--do companies use these in a server room with a KVM or thin client or something?Image (http://www.lenovo.com/shop/americas/content/img_lib/products/splitter/workstations/features/c20_worlds-smallest.jpg)

    We use them in our high school, or at least... we USED to use them... :)

    edit: Alternatively, this reminded me that I have a powermac G4 begging to be turned into a mailbox...

    red japanese maple leaves. momiji japanese maple leaf
  • momiji japanese maple leaf

  • kalsta
    May 6, 11:52 AM
    Well they are not really french:

    Right. That's the irony of it.

    Or megaWatts. Look into large generators and data center infrastructure.

    Okay. 'No one' was a hyperbole.

    Gosh, I can't get anything past you guys today! ;)

    red japanese maple leaves. Red japanese maple leaves
  • Red japanese maple leaves

  • Jape
    Nov 4, 11:29 AM
    I don't know how they do it at such a discount, but mine just arrived a day early in fine shape, so at least in my case they came through fine.

    I'll try it out this afternoon.

    Ok, thats good to hear, let me know how it works when you try it out :) I am considering getting it from there

    red japanese maple leaves. Tags: Japanese maple leaves
  • Tags: Japanese maple leaves

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 08:59 AM
    isn't dropbox the same thing?

    red japanese maple leaves. Japanese Maple Leaves - Dan
  • Japanese Maple Leaves - Dan

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 28, 03:55 PM
    Does this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
    So many conflicting opinions.
    Read this, then decide for yourself: Mac Virus/Malware Info (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=9400648&postcount=4)

    red japanese maple leaves. Japanese Maple Leave Business
  • Japanese Maple Leave Business

  • LordTyroxx
    Apr 5, 02:21 PM
    The people that are against apple here (and want the advertisement to stay) are the same people that are so against iAds. It's quite ridiculous. I find it extremely odd that a large company be a part of the jailbreak community to begin with. They could've used iAd and had much more success anyway. That theme is ugly. I don't want advertisements on my iphone if i jailbreak it. That's stupid. If i want a scion theme, there's probably 25 other people that have made better ones. So it's a moot point. Get your panties out of a wad.

    I do give toyota props for having the balls to put something out on a jailbroken iphone. It's inventive and sneaky.

    I think the only way people on here would be happy is if there was a little toggle on their iphone that switched between, I HAVE THE FREEDOM TO VIEW ADVERTISEMENTS, and ADVERTISEMENTS TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM!

    red japanese maple leaves. Red Japanese Maple Leaves
  • Red Japanese Maple Leaves

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 07:19 AM

    I might have to fish out my old heroquest set. :)

    red japanese maple leaves. Red Japanese Maple Leaves
  • Red Japanese Maple Leaves

  • wclyffe
    Feb 3, 11:39 AM
    I purchased the TOMTOM app early on and paid $99 for it. One week later, I found it posted in the App Store for $49.99 and today, a couple of weeks after that, the price is $59.99. I have searched the App Store site, iTunes Store AND the Apple site and do not understand how to find a Customer Service Link to ask about a refund for the difference in price. Does anyone know how to reach Customer Service for the APP Store? Thanks in advance...

    Would love to know if you received some sort of a refund from Apple or TomTom....let us know.

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaves.
  • red japanese maple leaves.

  • troop231
    Mar 29, 01:18 PM
    Yeah :( all the seismologists had no idea an earthquake this big could be triggered by LiPo batteries.

    red japanese maple leaves. leaves of the japanese red
  • leaves of the japanese red

  • craigatkinson
    Jul 29, 10:42 PM
    I beg to differ. I've even heard stock analysts anticipating the release of the iPhone. It's not a matter if Apple is going to release it, its a matter of when.

    Nor, methinks this iPhone shall ever happen. What would Apple gain in becoming a cell phone provider? Its a nasty market with no concensus between camps.

    Sorry, its vaporware.

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaves. red
  • red japanese maple leaves. red

  • ticman
    Nov 14, 07:42 AM
    Interesting Jape. Now let's see if they send us a confirmation email. They have been quite good about it the past.

    red japanese maple leaves. Japanese Maple Leaves turning
  • Japanese Maple Leaves turning

  • ozone
    Nov 28, 12:41 PM
    I didn't get to your comment before I posted mine; sorry about that. You're absolutely right. I could see artists, students, professors, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and countless other professionals who would be elated to have a Mac-based tablet. In fact, the only things I can see it not being useful for is Word and Excel. Even writers could use it to markup their edits using standard proofreading symbols. Much faster than other methods, I'd think; plus much more environmentally friendly because it would alleviate the need for printing out so many hard copies of everything.

    You bet Insider! The tablet was intended to be an electronic notebook - literally. There are many professions that could benefit from it - it depends more on your personal approach to work and what you need to do rather than rigidly grouping users into broad categories.

    Most of us do not complain about the tablet form factor or even the handwriting recognition - it's pretty good. What bugs most of us is that we're wedded to Windows and all its problems since there is no alternative platform at the moment.:mad:

    Here's hoping we see some kind of tablet in the near or far future from Apple... :D

    red japanese maple leaves. Red japanese maple leaves
  • Red japanese maple leaves

  • Tmelon
    Mar 30, 08:50 PM
    I still can't remove Launchpad on mine >.< Did you update via Software Update or reinstall the new build? I updated via Software Update to build 2.

    Software update doesn't give you build two. It gives you the ability to download build two from a code in the App Store.

    Developers have to redownload the whole OS so it wouldn't make much sense for it to be less than a megabyte... :rolleyes:

    red japanese maple leaves. Japanese maple with red leaves
  • Japanese maple with red leaves

  • Chupa Chupa
    Aug 4, 12:07 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter.

    I think that depends on what Dell, Sony, Toshiba, etc, come out with. No way is Apple going to still be selling a 2.16 Core Duo at it's top end laptop when the PC makers have Core 2 Duo chips. I'm pretty sure Apple will speed bump the MBP as soon after they get enough Meroms for production. Remember, they bumped the original MBP only 3 months after intro, and almost as soon as the faster chips were available.

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaves. red
  • red japanese maple leaves. red

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:49 PM
    These jokes just aren't funny.

    It's too early for this. Maybe it will never not be too early for this, but please have some sensitivity for people who have friends/family/are themselves in affected areas.

    Do you have any evidence for this?

    Here is a good overviewnfor the extremely inefficient Japanese agricultural industry:


    There are strong parallels between this and other Japanese markets.

    Unlike Americans, the Japanese would rather build everything in Japan and pay a higher cost for it (= inefficiency). (I live in Japan and am fluent in Japanese)

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaf.
  • red japanese maple leaf.

  • Sijmen
    Aug 4, 09:00 AM
    I've been hoping for months, but barely speculated by others.....

    � 19" & 22" Merom-based iMacs (current iMacs already look "old" to me)

    Don't think so. Even a 23" iMac would seem more likely. See, the 17" iMac already has the 19" panel resolution, dito for 20" and 22". It would add little value.

    � backlit slim USB2 keyboard

    I'd say highly unlikely. As far as I remember Apple always has had one line of such accesories.

    � new category: home theater component-sized Conroe-based Mac (no Cube/MiniTower; Woodcrest goes into Mac Pros)

    Would be really cool, especially if it comes with Tivo functionality!

    iLife, iPhone & all other rumors seem like smokescreen.

    Agreed. iLife is a Januari product, and I don't think WWDC is a good time for the iPhone.

    Please, ACD's!

    red japanese maple leaves. Brilliant red Japanese maple
  • Brilliant red Japanese maple

  • Renverse
    May 6, 06:35 AM
    I can only see the Macbook Air and maybe the Mac Mini move to ARM. ARM Processors are not ANYWHERE fast enough to meet the current Quadcore i-Processors on the speed.

    red japanese maple leaves. red japanese maple leaf. maple
  • red japanese maple leaf. maple

  • ashley1496
    Mar 29, 12:16 PM
    I was excited about this at first but... this just seems like an incredibly stupid fad. Instead of spending time to put the music on my PMP, I sync to the digital cloud, then stream the music to said player. Yeah, in an era where unlimited data is becoming more not less scarce, that's just what I need, data surcharges. This just appears to be yet another fad intending to push consumer technology in the wrong direction.

    I completely agree. I see a scary thing starting here. It used to be overage for "minutes" on phones (which almost never happens how). But now they want you to have "caps". They "claim" that the "typical user" doesn't regularly reach the cap. But with more and more of services with offerings like the cloud come into play. EVERYONE will be hitting those caps. Hell, just UPLOADING your music to the "cloud" may do this for some. Not to mention, if you get close you know that certain companies *cough-comcast* SLOW your internet speed down, right?

    Not to mention, you've got these companies who want to charge you for data...and then because you want to use your data a certain way, want to charge you more. (WiFi sharing of iPhone internet, thanks AT&T)

    Comcast doesn't charge me extra because we share our internet between 2 computers, 2 iPhones, an iPad, PS3, Tivo, Kindle 3, PSP....etc...

    We're heading down a dangerous path... stunted and/or limited internet and stringent data caps.

    ender land
    Apr 10, 01:19 PM
    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288

    Does division come after multiplication in order of operations? I had always thought you treated both multiplication and division the same and executed those operations sequentially, reading left to right.

    I'm calling BS on you being a math teacher.

    McGiord - "Mac OS X cannot be wrong on this: [refering to picture showing 2 as answer]." Perhaps you do not remember saying this? What about "Mac OS X cannot be wrong"? I know reading your posts results in fail, but associating that fail with someone else failing at reading is a bit of a stretch.

    And for what it's worth, I guess I am quite happy if my current position is "failing at math" considering I make a fair bit of money for "failing at math" in a technical field.

    Apr 22, 12:51 AM
    How utterly retarded does one have to be to get to the point where they put workstations on top of the desk instead of on the floor where they belong? Do you really need to put your Apple computer next to your overpriced, glossy Apple display to prove yourself?

    Aug 7, 05:19 PM
    Thanks for raising the noise question. My thoughts exactly. Since there wasn't a case redesign, I suspect the noise specs to be similar to G5.


    No way. The G5s main problem was the fan that cooled the HDs and the main motherboard chipset, it wasn't the cpu fans that were loud. This machine will be much quiter.

    These new xeons require 1/4 the watts.

    Billy Boo Bob
    Nov 27, 11:07 PM
    I would welcome a flip-top laptop that doubles as a tablet. I'm often on the road at a customer's location and I'm working with them on a counter top. Right now I have to use a book flipping pages of examples (products), and I have a separate book for writing up quotes / orders.

    It would be nice in my case if I could flip the top over and touch my way through the pages of examples / products. I could visually show pricing differences with any given options while it lays flat on the counter. With a MacBook, this is just not feasible. When it comes time to fill out an order or quote, I could bring up a form and fill it out. Not sure what to do about printing it out at the moment, but there are options (one would be to wirelessly send it to the fax machine that sits somewhere around the shop).

    If they were to include that previously rumored touch sensing "Gestures" interface, that could come in real handy with it. Then, when needed, flip it back and use the laptop keyboard.

    I guess it helps that I can write my own software, too, so I could tailor the thing to work exactly as I need.


    I've seen units similar to the one pictured above in use all over the hospital and doctor's offices nearby, and they sure look like a pretty handy device (even if it is running Windoze). I've asked a few people there how they like it and they all say they just love it.

    All I ever see them use is computer generated text. I don't know that it even attempts to do handwriting recognition. For input they just flip it around to show the keyboard. Many of them just leave it flipped as a laptop to have keyboard access, but still use the stylus to navigate around.

    Add some Apple class (hardware-wise and with OS X) and I see a nice product possible.

    Aug 7, 03:48 PM
    I, for one, am glad there wasn't an update to the MacBook Pro.

    As for the Mac Pro, I am really impressed with everything except the video card. I haven't got the means to get one anytime soon since I just bought my MBP, but it's a great machine. The internals are really great looking. :cool: