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Saturday, May 14, 2011

portal 2 ps3 steam

portal 2 ps3 steam. portal 2 ps3 steam. SRSound
  • portal 2 ps3 steam. SRSound

  • centauratlas
    Apr 4, 12:53 PM
    So no one would have been able to shoot the 19 people who were shot (and 20 injured) in Tucson? Perhaps not the first one or two or even three, but eventually someone would have been able pull out their gun and take out the guy before he got to 5 let alone 19 or 20.

    It happens quite often when there are people with CC permits around, it just isn't reported as often as the nut job - who already was a criminal - pulls out a gun and kills innocents.

    It might have just happened here too - the who knows where three armed robbers were headed next. They found the 2 in a residential area and closed schools near there.

    And for the people wondering, Chula Vista isn't a very nice area and I'm not surprised that guards who are guarding the area (it is not a completely inside mall if memory serves) were carrying guns at night.

    The rules I was taught:
    1. There is no such thing as an unloaded gun.
    2. Never point a gun (toy or otherwise because you may be wrong about it being a toy) at anyone unless you intend to kill them - because in the heat of the moment you may do so even if you intend to do something else.

    Or take the incident in Tucson with the congress woman. No one would have stopped that with a gun either. It doesn't work like that.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 PS3 PC Mac
  • Portal 2 PS3 PC Mac

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 10:44 AM
    Because Aperture pretty much needed those machines to run it nicely.
    Eh? That last PowerBook didn't bring very much improvement.

    That's cool, I was told I was delusional when I said that Meroms would ship in mid-2006 and the eMac would be replaced by an iMac with GMA950 too. :D

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Want to play Portal 2 PS3
  • Want to play Portal 2 PS3

  • cube
    May 3, 12:03 PM
    Daisy chaining displays over the Display Port connector and/or the/a monitor or cabling that supports it not just Eyefinity.


    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 on PS3
  • Portal 2 on PS3

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 30, 03:49 PM
    SB + Mediocre GPU = meh :(

    A 2560x1440 screen deserves more than some lame mobile gpu.

    Given the thickness of the machine, a mobile GPU is the only thing that will fit.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. portal 2
  • portal 2

  • spazzcat
    Apr 20, 12:30 PM
    Doesn't every GPS based phone have something like this?

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Free portal 2 on ps3 steam pc
  • Free portal 2 on ps3 steam pc

  • r00fus
    May 4, 12:21 PM
    Wow, the dual screen output is what could some day push me over the edge. A 27" display + 2 27" Apple screens either side sounds pretty nice. Still not enough to make me part with my 30" ACD right now though.

    You do realize you can do almost the same thing (not sure about resolutions) with USB2 displaylink adapters?

    My lowly 2007 Santa Rosa MBP can handle this fine with one 22" monitor using the old EVGA UVPlus... I even run it over a hub that also does keyboard, mouse and iphone cradle. Slight delay, no stutter, nothing. videos play fine (never tried full screen, but it's my work computer, so no need for that).

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2
  • Portal 2

  • Spagolli94
    Sep 12, 03:46 PM
    i'm sorry but the 30G iPod has a stupid price. If someone is that tight and has to get an iPod, they would probably buy used.

    I will by the 30GB and am anything but tight. Why? Because I only have 15GB of music and have been adding music at a rate of about 1GB per year. I have no need to watch movies or look at photos on my iPod. If I'm traveling, I have a PowerBook on the plane with me. My iPod is used in the car and the gym, that's it.

    That said, both the 30GB and 80GB have more than enough storage. So, I will make my decision based on physical dimensions - at the gym a smaller iPod is a big plus. The fact that the 30GB is cheaper is just icing on the cake. For my needs, I would have bought the 30GB, even it were the same price... even it the 30GB were more.

    I agree with you though. If you currently have or anticipate needing over 30GB of space, the 80GB is a MUCH better value when it comes to GB per dollar.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 PS3 Steamplay
  • Portal 2 PS3 Steamplay

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 05:20 AM
    Personally I believe all companies not only have an obligation to go public

    Let's just say that I disagree with you 100%. What if you start a small company, should Joe Sixpack down the street have the god-given right to buy shares in your company? If he does, why doesn't he have the right to buy your car if he wants to?

    ...allowing actual democracy to pervade rather than increasingly fascist corporatocracy.

    You do realize that the "fascist corporatocracy" that we have today has been created, maintained and exploited by public corporations?

    Personally I'd rather pay a lot more for my Macs, have them updated a lot less often and even suffer decreases in the rate of performance improvements, if it meant that the people who manufactured the computers were paid enough to sustain themselves and their families in comfortable, suitable housing with enough money left over for an enjoyable life.

    What makes you think that they are not being paid enough as it is?

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2: PS3 gets free Steam
  • Portal 2: PS3 gets free Steam

  • chilipie
    Sep 12, 02:47 PM
    Dear Apple,



    PS- I will still buy your stuff.
    Exactly how I felt...

    ..until I realised that I too could play Pacman! ;)

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 PS3 STEAM
  • Portal 2 PS3 STEAM

  • kirk26
    Oct 27, 11:31 AM
    Good for Apple. Get those tree hugging hippies out of there. Everytime Greenpeace complains Steve Jobs kills a baby seal.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 Steamworks PS3
  • Portal 2 Steamworks PS3

  • kresh
    Sep 14, 08:52 AM
    Surely they wouldn't have a whole invite just for an MBP update either? Although this board seems obsessed with Merom MBP's, replacing a chip in a laptop really isn't that exciting.

    I'm hoping for a completely new product range of some sort.

    OH NO, don't say that. Now we'll be inundated with 600 posts of "I want a mid tower Mac, headless, for $1200.00"

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2#39;s Steam features
  • Portal 2#39;s Steam features

  • jwdsail
    May 3, 07:49 PM
    I'm thinking of a 3-monitor gaming/sim setup. No desk - think cockpit.

    iRacing with Bootcamp and x-plane should be amazing w/ this set-up ;-)

    Oh, yeah, and FCP and Aperture of course... This will be for work.. honest!

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Valve Delivers on PS3 Steam
  • Valve Delivers on PS3 Steam

  • drdan
    Sep 13, 10:51 PM
    After releasing updates to every iPod product line at Tuesday's Showtime event he left a very big opening for a major product announcement between now and the holidays. Steve said "I hope this gives you a feeling for what we've got lined up for this holiday season."

    Steve Jobs chooses his words very carefully. If Apple's holiday line-up was now complete - he would have said so emphatically.

    That is exactly what I was thinking. I'm almost certain that Santa has got one more thing in his bag for Christmas.

    1) Isn't Steve Jobs on record saying that a phone is the one thing that you don't have to convince a consumer to carry in their pocket? As in: "the future of the iPod is cell phone integration."

    2) Anyone who listened to Apple's last quarter financial results call jumped when they got to talking about phones - they practically came out and said they were working on one, and trying to get it to market asap.

    3) Apple has been consistently impeccable at timing products to hit the market at the right time (Macbooks for graduation/back to school, new ipod releases for fall/christmas). They know Christmas is the time to release this.

    4) The buzz over this has been growing to deafening levels both from the analysts and the nerds.

    Especially with Steve's allusion to "more to come before Christmas", I'm betting on shiny new iPhones for Christmas.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 for PlayStation 3
  • Portal 2 for PlayStation 3

  • SethEarl
    Sep 13, 12:18 AM
    Does anyone else think something more might be coming? With the price drop of both models and the lack of drastic changes ie the rumored full screen, bluetooth, and virtual click wheel?
    Could there be a "one more thing..." next week?

    portal 2 ps3 steam. PS3 version of Portal 2
  • PS3 version of Portal 2

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 01:09 PM
    That post isn't even worth the time to flame...

    Some people seem to be making a half-hearted effort at it, but you're right.

    portal 2 ps3 steam. Portal 2 come with co-op and
  • Portal 2 come with co-op and

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 22, 12:28 PM
    what's the difference in the screen specs? i saw the air's screen at the apple store and it looked pretty nice to me

    Specs? I have no idea, but from using both I can tell you that when it comes to viewing angles, colours, brightness, blacks and whites that the 13" MBP is superior in every way. (And I supposedly had the better part number for the screen in the MBA)

    portal 2 ps3 steam. portal 2 review; steam ps3
  • portal 2 review; steam ps3

  • BrianMojo
    Sep 5, 03:56 PM
    Come on Apple, show us the HD. In a time when everyone's standoffish about HD because of the format wars Apple adopting the technology would mean you would never have bought into the wrong technology -- and eventually I imagine it would become the standard.

    Come on Apple, push the technology forward like you know you should. Please?

    portal 2 ps3 steam. The arrival of Portal 2 on the
  • The arrival of Portal 2 on the

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 29, 11:25 AM
    Microsoft should work on perfecting windows before starting a mobile OS

    portal 2 ps3 steam. PS3 version of Portal 2
  • PS3 version of Portal 2

  • vannote
    Nov 13, 06:44 PM
    Let me quote Gruber on this very issue:
    "Point 1 is simply wrong; the Airfoil Speakers Touch iPhone app does not contain any of these images. It contains no pictures of Apple computers. It contains no icons of Apple applications. It displays these images after they are sent across the network by Airfoil for Mac. Airfoil for Mac reads these images using public official Mac OS X APIs. I.e. Airfoil Speakers Touch can only show a picture of the Mac it is connected to because the image is sent from the Mac it is connected to."

    As a professional developer, I do need to point a couple of items out…

    The link that DARING FIREBALL points to (mentioned earlier in this thread) sighting "Public APIs" is not an ADC documentation site.

    One of the Desktop APIs being used (sited via the Public API link) is being used in a manner that is specifically reaching into "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources", this is a very large red flag… Your reaching
    into someone else's bundle here.

    The other Desktop API is requesting the icon of a document type - I would sure be peeved if I found someone else's Desktop application broadcasting one of *MY* hand made graphics or icons out to their iPhone application.

    Regardless, Both of the API being used to obtain the graphics/icons are being called are from the Mac OS X Desktop SDK, not from the iPhone SDK. In addition, the result is being broadcast out to another machine (the phone), an image they don't hold rights to.

    Just because you can get hold of an arbitrary image (including a users document) via a "Public" API, doesn't give you the right to use it without permission.

    Feb 27, 06:05 AM
    I think McAfee is a virus itself, or just as bad. Steals heaps of processor and RAM just doing it's job. Maybe instead of combating 'threats' with other annoying programs, they could spend some time informing the general user on how to stay protected... other then just saying.. 'Don't give out your credit card info over the net'.

    Sep 19, 04:20 PM
    Are iTS movies letterboxed? If so, then the quality of iTS movies is closer to 640x360.As I understand, yes, this is the case. They maintain the width at 640 and crop vertically for the aspect.

    Sep 16, 12:31 PM
    i dont know if anyone has said this yet, but why dont they just turn a ipod into a phone instead of turning a phone into an ipod... seriously, an 80gig ipod w/ the ability to call and text people and etc. alhtough, i suppose the tech isnt there to make it small enough for the average consumer to enjoy

    Sep 13, 11:04 PM
    I just do not think Apple is going to introduce a cellular phone. The ideas sound great around here, but I don't see any good busness model for such a device. What is Apple going to make money on selling such a product?

    Mar 22, 05:23 PM
    GeekBoner here.