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Monday, May 16, 2011

htc hd7 pro

htc hd7 pro. The HTC will be available in
  • The HTC will be available in

  • LondonCentral
    Apr 22, 04:57 PM
    What is funny is remembering the outcry on the early leaked pictures on the iPhone 4 and how ugly it was... Yet it is the best looking phone in the world now.

    Damn right it is. I sold mine a few weeks back but now might buy a white one which I'll keep until I can get my hands on an iP5. I've never considered buying back tech I'd sold before but I genuinely miss holding and using it. Never has metal and glass looked so sexy as a phone.

    htc hd7 pro. The HTC HD7 has a 4.3” LCD
  • The HTC HD7 has a 4.3” LCD

  • notjustjay
    Mar 31, 11:58 AM
    Someone mentioned the Windows 3.1 calendar?


    htc hd7 pro. htc surround htc hd 7 blu-ray
  • htc surround htc hd 7 blu-ray

  • einmusiker
    Dec 30, 04:40 PM
    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy. Keeping it off is dead easy too. Have your doctor check for any health problems which might prevent you from losing weight or recheck your food intake vs energy expenditure.

    Losing weight is a very simple formula : Calories in < Calories out. Change the symbol around and you gain weight. Make it = and you keep your weight.

    A lot of people don't understand this very simple mecanic which is the very basis of weight control. When you have this part down to a science, you can adjust the food intake to provide fibers/vitamins/proteins that you need.

    I'm going to just assume you are young and have time on your hands. Because when I was young and had time staying trim was quite easy., Let's talk when you're in your 30's and are a busy professional :rolleyes:

    htc hd7 pro. The HTC 7 Mozart will be an
  • The HTC 7 Mozart will be an

  • steveh
    Apr 12, 02:14 PM
    Ah, so ultimately there will still be 7+ cables, just not connected to the computer itself.

    If it's connections to your laptop, that's a win right there. Once you've set up the other connected devices, you won't have to mess with them whenever you go somewhere with the laptop.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 Pro Photo Gallery
  • HTC HD7 Pro Photo Gallery

  • pmz
    Mar 30, 09:07 AM
    WWDC has always been a software conference, the hardware you see on the 1st day are for the consumers (and fanboys), the remaining days are always software focused ... Thats why its from 6th-10th :rolleyes: ... don't get it twisted, not every developer desires the new releases of hardware at every wwdc.

    Apple is at the core a software company.

    Yea ok. The new iPhone is the highlight EVERY year, and will be again this year. Fanboy my ass, it's the highlight of the event, everyone knows it, and if wwdc comes and goes without even of mention of new iPhone hardware, APPL is going to take a dive.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7, HTC Mozart and
  • HTC HD7, HTC Mozart and

  • Aduntu
    May 2, 02:23 AM
    This is not for the faint of heart.

    first released of Osama bin Laden dead (http://www.glittarazzi.com/storage/osama_bin_laden_dead-photo.jpg).

    No way that's real.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 Pro
  • HTC HD7 Pro

  • Mistrblank
    Mar 31, 10:34 AM
    I prefer the clean look of the current versions as well. It would be nice if Apple would actually implement a system with unified look.

    The iPad and iOS get away with it because you have one window at full screen to look at. With a computer, I want my components to look alike and behave alike as they sit side by side.

    If you're going to add this crappy eye-candy, at the very least give us the ability to reskin all of it.

    htc hd7 pro. T-Mobile announces the HTC HD7
  • T-Mobile announces the HTC HD7

  • Philberttheduck
    Jul 24, 06:25 PM
    Splendid. Too bad it doesn't come standard with laptops. erhm.. portable computers..

    htc hd7 pro. Dell Venue Pro vs HTC HD7 |
  • Dell Venue Pro vs HTC HD7 |

  • copykris
    Jan 26, 01:38 AM


    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 PRO, il punto sulla
  • HTC HD7 PRO, il punto sulla

  • ReallyBigFeet
    Apr 18, 09:30 AM
    This one goes out to all the tinfoil hat wearers....you know who you are (secret code inserted here.-..-11..-312).

    I think Apple intentionally borked our current 320M graphic power in the 10.6.7 release fiasco. This was intentional. That way when they release the new MBA's with the inferior integrated graphics chipset, they can actually show an IMPROVEMENT in graphic speed.

    Seriously. Its true. I read it on the intrawebs.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 vs. Dell Venue Pro
  • HTC HD7 vs. Dell Venue Pro

  • Parkin Pig
    Apr 3, 04:37 AM
    Crimple Viaduct, Harrogate

    htc hd7 pro. announced that the HTC HD7
  • announced that the HTC HD7

  • cloud 9
    Aug 17, 10:33 AM
    Don't forget this is a preview. I don't think we're seeing the full picture yet.

    it's true i know :-)

    the complicater a os becomes the harder it is to create a descent consistent ui, so i'm really curious :)

    htc hd7 pro. Le dimensioni del HTC HD7 Pro
  • Le dimensioni del HTC HD7 Pro

  • ciTiger
    Apr 15, 06:14 PM
    I installed the first developer preview and I disliked the fact they changed some of the trackpad gestures,I m not gonna try this one.
    A friend of mine has had some troubles with the version also... Couldn t boot into it...

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 Pro
  • HTC HD7 Pro

  • DeaconGraves
    May 3, 07:47 AM
    Throwing in an SSD drive bumps the ship time to 4-6 weeks!!!! :eek:

    Not cool, Apple. Not cool.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7: New photos and
  • HTC HD7: New photos and

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 22, 04:43 PM
    Damn that looks scary!

    htc hd7 pro. with the HD7 and Venue Pro
  • with the HD7 and Venue Pro

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 07:24 PM
    If he still has "parts" down there ... he belongs in the Men's washroom

    htc hd7 pro. Brand new HTC HD 7 Pro
  • Brand new HTC HD 7 Pro

  • TimUSCA
    Apr 13, 03:21 PM
    Id love to see a new standard for "HD". 1440p would be nice...but current media would have to catch up. That said, I dont think Apple could make a cost effective television. Sorry, but theyd sell a 42inch TV for 2000.000 easy.

    The reason the cinema display is so expensive is due to the insanely high pixel density and it being LED backlit. It's max resolution is 2560 by 1440.

    An Apple Television would only need to be 1080 across and LCD/Plasma.

    HUGE difference in price.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 Smartphone
  • HTC HD7 Smartphone

  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 07:54 AM
    Wool first...In line at Brea. 6 people here total.

    Ni shi zhong guo ren ma?

    If so, I'm in line at Brea as well. Hard to believe that we managed to get in as early as we did.

    htc hd7 pro. HTC HD7 Pro Photo Gallery
  • HTC HD7 Pro Photo Gallery

  • yg17
    Mar 8, 08:47 AM
    Now, when they're talking of a replacement, are they thinking of killing Charlie's character off and Rob Lowe (or whomever) would be some new character that comes out of nowhere, it would they keep Charlie's character, swap actors, and act as if nothing happened?

    I personally think they're going to kill Charlie off, Alan gets the house in the will, and then Judith kicks Herb out and Herb moves in with Alan. Herb and Judith's marriage has been rocky, I think the writers did that so they'd have a plan when Charlie Sheen inevitably went off the wagon.

    Jul 25, 01:04 PM
    It seems unlikely that Apple will employ this none-touch technology in the next-gen iPod. Can you imagine how much battery life it would take? Just to prevent fingerprints?

    I imagine the full-screen iPod will indeed use a touch-screen in order to increase screen size - but it's impractical to employ motion sensors in a gadget like this, which people use while walking, in their pocket, in their car, etc.

    I'm not saying Apple will do this, but a more practical solution would be to coat the touch screen with Durabis (the Blu-ray scratch coating) or something similar so that scratches and fingerprints don't show up. That would be MUCH cheaper, conserve battery life and space, and allow for sort-of tactile-feedback (at least touching a smooth surface) and easy operation - keeping your fingers floating just above it is a novel but inconvenient way of doing things.

    Mar 12, 04:12 AM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    really sorry to hear that. reading about the insanely long lines at the apple store in brea, i headed over to best buy in fullerton instead. arrived at 1p and was 13th or so in line. i wish you all the luck in getting an ipad soon.

    Nobody seemed to be touching those Verizon iPads with a 10 foot pole.

    and i find that really surprising. despite at&t's faster (when available) data speeds, i've always found coverage to be completely spotty, especially in fullerton and brea. opted for a verizon ipad.

    Apr 22, 10:15 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.


    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.

    Oct 18, 09:02 PM
    yeah that's not a bigadv unit. i think you have to download the correct binary before you can use the -bigadv flag (i think). just take a look at stanford's web page for instructions.

    I thought I did everything right but... I did find that it was running another wu on 8 cores after I set it up, duh. Fixed that but it still won't pick up the bigadv so I thought maybe they are out of them? it will pick up normal wu's if it can't get bigadv one's. And maybe I need more than 6 GB of ram?

    Apr 25, 11:22 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/25/apple-delaying-imac-orders-refresh-due-next-tuesday/)
