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Sunday, May 15, 2011

honey badger vs tasmanian devil

honey badger vs tasmanian devil. HONEY BADGER - natures animal
  • HONEY BADGER - natures animal

  • paddy
    Aug 31, 11:29 AM
    Hope this has something to do with a mac mini update, I'm holding out for the next.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. Is the Devil that agile,
  • Is the Devil that agile,

  • dsnort
    Aug 31, 11:55 AM
    After what we got at WWDC, I'm not getting my hopes up yet. My oldest Mac is just 8 months old so new processors won't mean much to me. My iPod Nano isn't full yet so not really interested in those. Could get excited about an iPhone, but only if it were in the Treo / Blackberry category as that would really help me in my work.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger vs snake.
  • honey badger vs snake.

  • Shivetya
    Apr 22, 11:49 AM
    Late 2010 - Weak processor, decent GPU
    Mid 2011 - Stronger processor, slightly worse GPU than before
    2012 - Stronger in every category

    Well its well known with Apple hardware to never buy the first generation of any new platform. The current MBA were a significant enough change from the previous to be known as a gen 1 all over again. Especially when we knew SB was around the corner. Still they are great as is.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger vs snake. indian,
  • honey badger vs snake. indian,

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 01:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aren't intel in the process on implementing Open CL?

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting lion.
  • honey badger fighting lion.

  • needthephone
    Sep 27, 07:13 AM
    I thought 3G was the coming thing? I am on 3 in OZ and now Vodaphone, Telstra and Optus have all gone 3G- GSM seems a bit old hat doesn't it?


    Also comapnies like 3 are trying to compete by offering downloadable songs as a part of their service how will apple deal with this - surely comapnies like 3 won't offer apple phones??

    No offence to the US (after all you give us apple , MS, Google ) but whenever I go there I am taken aback at how dated the "cell" (as they still call them there) phone networks are over there compared to Europe or even OZ

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting lion.
  • honey badger fighting lion.

  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 1, 11:38 AM
    That would certainly change my mind about getting a 20" iMac. ;)

    EDIT: Anyone care to speculate on prices?

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. The Honey Badger was deemed
  • The Honey Badger was deemed

  • crlosg2
    May 3, 01:07 PM
    Image (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/05/03/2011-imac-notes-magic-trackpad-option-display-connectivity-boot-camp-update/)

    In the wake of today's release of new iMacs (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/05/03/apple-releases-new-sandy-bridge-quad-core-imacs-with-thunderbolt/), a number of tidbits about the new models have been surfacing.

    Article Link: 2011 iMac Notes: Magic Trackpad Option, Display Connectivity, Boot Camp Update (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/05/03/2011-imac-notes-magic-trackpad-option-display-connectivity-boot-camp-update/)

    Did anyone notice that it has an IPS display?

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. the honey badger randall.
  • the honey badger randall.

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 02:18 PM
    NI am, however, starting to see why they allowed a sneak preview of iTV. Look how many of us are saying "I can't wait for iTV!" now that we've had some time to experiment with iTunes movie downloads!

    Yes, we're all looking forward to a product to come out in 3 or 4 months that will actually make the product they released last week bearable!


    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. the honey badger randall. that
  • the honey badger randall. that

  • Koodauw
    Sep 15, 05:46 PM
    A shame about scrapping the idea of a ground up design - I hope that doesn't lead to a lack of innovation. That's what really leads Apple along! Although if they just make a killer phone (I'm sure they will at some point...) it's bound to sell buckets loads!


    It just said it was going with off the shelf parts, so hopefully the design can boast innovation.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. Tasmanian Devil vs Honey Badger
  • Tasmanian Devil vs Honey Badger

  • rtkane
    Apr 4, 12:49 PM
    Coming from a "Gun Person" (Own a HK .45 USP Tactical w/ GEMTECH Suppressor)

    ...the would be robbers better have been armed, to warrant the Rent-a-Cop shooting them in the head. He should be prosecuted for manslaughter if not. All this "well they had it coming" BS is totally misplaced, the man who died was a human being.

    Read the article. Why do people comment when they don't even read the article?

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting lion.
  • honey badger fighting lion.

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    Maybe a shot to the head was a bit much, but that's an occupational hazard for thiefs, no sympathy here.

    The guard deserves a medal for protecting one of Steve's altars.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. the honey badger randall.
  • the honey badger randall.

  • ethana
    May 3, 07:23 PM
    Just picked up a 3.4GHz i7 with 8GB of RAM from the Apple Store. I took it home and installed a 256GB SSD to replace the hard drive inside. Installing the OS now. I'll post Geekbench numbers soon.


    Just ran this. My score was 11810.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting.
  • honey badger fighting.

  • EricNau
    Apr 25, 01:06 AM
    It's interesting. Every single poster here clearly disagrees with your actions (which are undeniably illegal) and your justification (including your improper blame on the woman driving in front of you). And yet, it's everyone else that must be wrong, not you.

    Like I said, it's interesting.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting.
  • honey badger fighting.

  • Renverse
    Apr 17, 01:05 PM
    McAfee is irrelevant, even for Windows users. They call themselves experts but their software just brings ANY computer to a grinding halt.

    Anyone remember this: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-20003074-83.html ?


    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting lion.
  • honey badger fighting lion.

  • manu chao
    Apr 20, 10:43 AM
    everyone is fine with sharing their personal info on facebook but a device that remembers where it has been?
    Go have a look what I am sharing on Facebook.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. Tasmanian Devil vs Honey Badger
  • Tasmanian Devil vs Honey Badger

  • Dezinformatsiya
    Jan 16, 05:28 PM
    Sophos has quite a low detection rate in comparison to some others in my experience, but it's a solid AV, and one can't fault what's free.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger fighting lion.
  • honey badger fighting lion.

  • CDCC
    Apr 19, 02:29 PM
    Google probably have a kickass patent portfolio so they'll just countersue.

    Google mostly makes Software. Apple has WAY more device and design patents.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. Honey Badger Self Drive |
  • Honey Badger Self Drive |

  • iSpartan
    Apr 22, 11:22 AM
    As my first post to macrumors, I just purchased a 13" refurb 30 min ago. Oh well, still good technology. I can finally sell my 2007 macbook.

    honey badger vs tasmanian devil. honey badger vs tasmanian
  • honey badger vs tasmanian

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 13, 09:23 PM

    Didn't you hear! The new Apple phone is powered by the newly designed low-power embedded G5 chip.

    G5 power phones next Tuesday! Woo Hoo!:D :D :D :eek: :confused:

    :eek: I had no idea! Thanks for the insight my friend! :D ;)

    Sep 13, 11:16 PM
    I'm calling for another invite to go out w/ in the next 2 weeks saying "One More Thing" and we'll get the phone and the true vPod

    Apr 4, 04:54 PM
    I stand corrected.

    Oct 27, 10:38 AM
    Ok, this I honestly didn't see, and if true, then warrants a serious reprimand of any organisation at Mac Expo!! I hope that the reason they were ejected was something like this, and not just handing out leaflets in the wrong area, like I was led to believe from the thread so far!

    I wouldn't like anyone taking photos of my child without permission, and if true then Greenpeace have behaved irresponsibly!

    But that could also mean that someone took a photo of a baby with an Apple with consent and that was chinese whispered by an anti-Greenpeace voice to, 'Yeah, y'know, I even saw them putting this apple in a kid's pram and...'

    Here are the 'roudy violent millitants' we're talking about.


    Oct 12, 09:09 PM
    I'm gonna have to see it in person first. Although, my birthday is coming up soon.

    Apr 16, 11:29 PM
    Or you could just buy a multi-port Thunderbolt adapter(that supports USB 3) for less than $10 when they are released making your half-baked scenario completely worthless.

    I stop reading everything you said after this statement. You are clueless dude. Go back to school or finish school or jsut stop typing.