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Monday, May 16, 2011

fishing net material

fishing net material. ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.
  • ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.

  • koobcamuk
    May 4, 06:43 AM
    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    But as this move proves, the June release wasn't permanent either... so none of the dates are permanent, nor ever will be. I suppose you mean, "for a year or two"...?

    fishing net material. Fishing Net Products from
  • Fishing Net Products from

  • RedTomato
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    Very Very Tempted.

    Time to put my repaired and working perfectly G4 PB 15'' on sale I think.

    Any takers? (London, UK)

    fishing net material. made from old fish net and
  • made from old fish net and

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 24, 04:45 PM
    I'm just praying that Apple get the price right. Personally, I prefer tilt wheels to scroll wheels.

    fishing net material. Fishing Net
  • Fishing Net

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 10, 02:30 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5146/5602392616_299b977b87_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dailymatador/5602392616/)

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
    Aperture f/9.0
    Focal Length 35 mm
    ISO Speed 100

    This photo made me thirsty for some Sprite. That is a cool tree right there. Liking the colors on it alot. Could care less about the fountain. : )

    fishing net material. 2.5 COIN POUCH, HAIR NET, FISH

  • lbro
    Oct 25, 12:14 AM
    One thing I want is a new phone, my old one's battery is so crappy it lasts for a couple of hours and than it starts beeping to signal that the battery is dead. Very annoying.

    fishing net material. Nylon-66 Used Fishing Net
  • Nylon-66 Used Fishing Net

  • Gasu E.
    Jun 6, 08:37 PM
    I don't want to have to press BUY 5 times and enter my password 5 times because Shaniqwa can't supervise her 8 kids who she gives an iPod with a billing account tied to her name to.

    Let me guess: you're not a racist, but...

    fishing net material. Shade Fishing Lights material
  • Shade Fishing Lights material

  • Hisdem
    Apr 11, 02:22 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5025/5610353211_2732724062_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxumphoto/5610353211/)

    Sony Alpha DSLR-A290, ISO 100, 1/30s, 50mm, f/2.8

    Lens: Minolta AF 50mm f/1.7

    fishing net material. ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.
  • ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.

  • bedifferent
    Apr 11, 01:22 PM
    Sucks that there will be no PCIe option for Mac Pro owners. I just bought a new 6-Core system. However, "Light Peak" will be better with full system fiber optic integration driving everything from drives to displays, making for less internal parts for one universal control system (as I understand it).

    Perhaps in the 2012 Mac Pro's (this would be hugely beneficial in portables and iMacs as well as they could benefit from less hardware with a streamlined "Light Peak/Thunderbolt" system).

    fishing net material. Monofilament Fishing Nets
  • Monofilament Fishing Nets

  • ucfgrad93
    Feb 28, 04:37 PM
    I feel bad for the rest of the cast and crew that are now not receiving a paycheck because of Sheen's idiocy. :mad:

    fishing net material. Title/Design: Fishing Net
  • Title/Design: Fishing Net

  • whooleytoo
    Apr 14, 07:53 AM
    It is nothing.

    I mean that literally.

    There is no fourth product line.

    This is simply a bug where the store is trying to look up a product name by key and the product doesn't exist.

    Someone set the product list size one greater than it should be, causing the list to include an extra item. But since there is no device category, looking up the MarketingName for that device category fails.

    But the question remains - why is "Mac" in the variable name? On an App Store that doesn't support any Macs.

    It could be nothing, a naming convention carried over, but it is odd.

    fishing net material. Fishing Net
  • Fishing Net

  • Burgess07
    Apr 15, 07:17 PM
    Although I find the slider buttons pretty, I think these are just a step to touch-interface. It makes sense when you have to actually slide the button (with your fingers). But when using a mouse/trackpad, it is more logical to point at the option you want and the selection will slide to the requested option.
    I think this will return when touch-based interface will make its entry.

    Apple could make them an option in System Preferences :p


    fishing net material. types of fishing nets that
  • types of fishing nets that

  • Kingsly
    Jul 25, 01:19 AM
    reminds me of the controls in the 'Heart Of Gold'

    fishing net material. thousands of fishing net
  • thousands of fishing net

  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 28, 07:11 PM
    Hey, Jonny I've for CEO!!!! Not.

    Looks like his brain went to England but he left his body behind to do some last minute 'designs'. Nice attention to detail, all you had to do was change the color, genius. :rolleyes:

    fishing net material. Net Fish
  • Net Fish

  • firestarter
    Apr 17, 07:59 PM
    To be honest, if you carry a TB to FW, RAID, PCIe expansions, whats the point of carrying an Air?

    Are you really going to carry all those? If you want to travel with the thing, just take what you need. I can see an Air + external 2.5inch RAID being a nice minimalist setup for video editing.

    Also, will they have to sacrifice a 2.0 USB port in order to intergrate a TB port?

    Sounds like a good trade.

    Idk why people say that the update affects only gamers. It affects almost everyone. OpenGLs, 3D, movies, etc.

    How does it effect movies? This new GPU is easily powerful enough to decode video. Do you watch all your movies on fast forward or something?
    And what are you using OpenGL for that needs that power? Most apps run fine without much acceleration.

    Although I do believe the CPU will have an amazing boost, I think the GPU sacrifice will be a very huge one. But only time will tell.

    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    fishing net material. ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.
  • ,acrylic,silk-fishing net.

  • Snips
    Apr 22, 05:02 PM
    I would be really disappointed to see a metal backing like iPod Touch has. My previous iPods from the past are so jacked up on the backside with scratches and dents. I know I'm not alone with this.

    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy. But if they were going to move to metal I'd prefer an iPad-style backing.

    I really hope they don't adopt the shiny InstaScratch backing, that would suck bad.

    fishing net material. of a fishing-net to not,
  • of a fishing-net to not,

  • SeanZy
    Mar 16, 11:09 AM
    I just posted this so if no one has a trade for me I may do it.
    Check with me later

    You live around Brea I assume?

    I could ask him if he may be willing to pay a premium. Nothing too much but possibly. I know I would but I cannot speak on his behalf. But I guarantee you he would buy it from you today.

    if you dont mind messaging me your phone # and I can give you his / mine as well.

    fishing net material. Nylon Fishing Net
  • Nylon Fishing Net

  • rovex
    Apr 27, 02:33 PM
    Think what you want, but it was still a crappy thing to assume.

    Nope, the thing you haven't understood is that I thought it was a Clever idea, as right after, the attackers left. Nothing "crappy" about acknowledging something which saved her from further sufferance. Of course, you interpreted my post as being insincere and cold, but it was merely an observation and never did I have the intention to be hurtful.

    fishing net material. Fishing Net
  • Fishing Net

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 28, 01:42 AM
    Well, I'll hop on the bandwagon. My measly old MBP should be able to cope with it. I'll get my PS3 onto the game as well, just to see how much I can get out of it.

    (far out you guys are well equipped)

    Great to have you aboard! Every machine we can get helps. PS3's are great folding machines.

    fishing net material. fishing net making machine
  • fishing net making machine

  • Squire
    Jul 10, 06:43 PM
    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor.

    I wonder if they did that to downplay it as a potential threat to MS Word.

    My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Just last week, a coworker was showing me some of the stuff he'd done on Word. (He was creating a sort of workbook for a class he's going to be teaching.) He was proud and it did look pretty good. Then I showed him Pages. His jaw literally dropped.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

    You and IJ Reilly bring up some very good points. I agree that there are some misconceptions about Pages. Hopefully, nothing that a word processing mode and a renewed marketing strategy can't rectify. I'll definitely be a buyer.

    You're not alone...you're the third one in this thread to mention it.

    Mark me down as the 4th. :D


    Apr 14, 10:00 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5107/5617511987_6e779f0f17.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5617511987/)
    IMG_3839 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5617511987/) by Rusty2192 (http://www.flickr.com/people/48874590@N02/), on Flickr

    Jan 26, 02:18 PM
    Bought a 4 pack of the "Daylight" type of bulb...what a major difference in lighting, soft white sucks

    Apr 13, 07:50 PM
    Anyone actually planning on buying this? Especially with a refresh right around the corner?

    Have you been reading the recent rumors regarding the next iPhone release? That's the whole point of releasing the white iPhone 4 now, IMO. It's tying people over until iPhone 5, which will almost definitely not see the light of day at WWDC.

    Jul 25, 08:20 AM
    They ditched all signs of the BT regular mouse!

    Excellent, this means the myth about Macs not using multi-button mice will be forever vanquished.

    Mar 7, 04:38 PM
    This should have happened. They made the right decision. Sheen needs serious help, not coddling.

    You'll get no argument from me.