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Monday, May 16, 2011

central park new york summer

central park new york summer. It#39;s summer in the New York
  • It#39;s summer in the New York

  • shawnce
    Aug 4, 02:33 PM
    Doesn't the 17" use a different battery - higher capacity - than the 15.4"?

    Yes it does.

    MBP 17" - 68 watt-hour - "up to 5.5 hours of battery life"
    MBP 15" - 60 watt-hour - "up to 4.5 hours of battery life"

    central park new york summer. Central Park, New York
  • Central Park, New York

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 16, 11:19 AM
    C2D MB by Thanksgiving :D

    Sorry, but not all here are U.S. citizens (probably the majority)...when is that famous "Thanksgiving" happening?

    central park new york summer. NYC Summer Streets 2010
  • NYC Summer Streets 2010

  • MikhailT
    May 7, 03:17 PM
    Not sure what you guys think about this, but I think it would make sense on the iPhone if they somehow integrate iAds into it... otherwise I'm not sure why they would take a $99 service and make it free.

    Because they aren't making any money off it now and making it free with iAds built in could bring in more profit for them?

    It's the same reason Google can afford gmail with 8GB of storage for tens of millions of accounts.

    Apple could make a bit of a profit integrating iWork/MobileMe/Lala along with iAds.

    central park new york summer. Central Park, New York
  • Central Park, New York

  • Bibulous
    Sep 10, 11:02 PM
    I'm hoping for a streaming device with a remote that allows me access to media on my mac from my TV. Of course Apple will overly simplify it and limits it's capabilities, but well love it anyways.

    central park new york summer. Today, Central Park serves as
  • Today, Central Park serves as

  • deconstruct60
    Apr 21, 10:01 PM
    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers.

    central park new york summer. BRING YOU NEW YORK CITY MOST

  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 11:08 PM
    Thank You For This Excellent Analysis Of Santa Rosa And What It Will And Won't Be ergle2. Best I've read anywhere here so far.

    Thanks -- Glad you liked it :)

    central park new york summer. to New York in September.
  • to New York in September.

  • Tunster
    Apr 20, 03:37 AM
    Agreed. I moved from my good ol' 3Gs to a ZTE-Blade a few months ago and have to say that despite the general black/grey colors that android apps seem to be forced to use with the UI, the 'desktop' of the phone is much more elegant and usable than the iPhone's. I'd really like to see Apple open up the API's a little more and maybe even allow us to completely swap out their homescreen for custom app based ones. It works well on the droids.
    And then we'd lose much more battery life :rolleyes:. Don't see why people want more control over pointless things and want more complexity/layers. That's why iOS currently works efficiently as it is. It'll likely won't ever happen because it's the Apple way.

    I'm sure we'll see iOS5 push things way beyond customisable homescreens. Better notification, fresh UI and some new touch-based features will keep the iPhone ahead of the rest IMO.

    central park new york summer. to New York in September.
  • to New York in September.

  • Torrijos
    May 6, 02:56 AM
    BS to the power of FUD ^^

    The thing is although ARM chips are pretty good in the low power range right now, nothing says that they will perfectly scale in power for a higher performance range.
    Every major player in the chips industry started seeing more and more problems when they started reaching the manufacturing processes ARM will only reach in a couple of years (currently A15 -> 45nm).

    High performance is where Intel is very good at, and their announcement of 3D transistor in Ivy Bridge already will only make them way better in performance and power consumption, and all that as soon as the end of this year (first machines probably next year).

    Now transition from a software standpoint would be painful, but maybe not horrible...
    Apple's compiler already manages ARM architecture, and part of the interest in LLVM is the possibility of JIT compilation.
    But a switch of architecture right now would need Apple to ask devs to re-compile their software, and maybe a change from some libraries, all that for an uncertain gain right now and improbable gain in the future (Intel will remain the master in high performance computing).

    central park new york summer. CENTRAL PARK — The end of
  • CENTRAL PARK — The end of

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 12:01 PM
    I think a successful device would need

    1.2 GHz processor equivalent
    80 GB storage
    1 GB RAM
    8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $699.

    I bet that won't happen with that price range. It would be more close to $1500 to $2500 level. I don't think Apple is looking for low end markets with this rumored product.
    I prefer Apple Tablet would be the low-volume high price products.

    central park new york summer. in Central Park; A New
  • in Central Park; A New

  • rwilliams
    Apr 18, 03:10 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them.

    Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    So devoid of innovation that everyone has basically copied the iPad and iPhone's OS and product design over the last 3 1/2 years.

    central park new york summer. Central Park. New York#39;s
  • Central Park. New York#39;s

  • kevink2
    Mar 28, 12:12 PM
    This may explain why Apple is, apparently, still going ahead with the white iPhone 4. And also not obsolete some Verizon purchasers so fast.

    Maybe if they go on a little longer refresh schedule, it will match up a little better with carrier subsidies.

    On the other hand, since my intent is to skip the next generation, that may mean I wait 2 1/2 years instead of 2 years. Will the phone absorb the drops, etc, that it gets that long?

    central park new york summer. in Central Park New York-
  • in Central Park New York-

  • Moyank24
    May 2, 11:10 PM

    central park new york summer. Enjoy Central Park in the
  • Enjoy Central Park in the

  • X2468
    Apr 5, 04:19 PM
    Leave the jailbreak community alone Apple!! What is your ****ing problem??? Can't we just coexist???:mad:

    Nope Apple is the ruler of all.

    The master of the universe and the company that knows better than you do.

    Just notice how they act.

    What they censor and how hypocritical they are.

    Only Uncle Steve can give you permission and he's never going to do that.

    He's GOD according to many fanboys here...

    All Hail Apple! (no special symbols needed). :) ha ha ha ha ha

    central park new york summer. map of central park nyc. New
  • map of central park nyc. New

  • dernhelm
    Nov 26, 05:51 PM
    Do they have more or less credibility if they spell Mac like MAC?

    central park new york summer. NEW YORK -- quot;Good Morning
  • NEW YORK -- quot;Good Morning

  • kalsta
    May 3, 08:57 PM
    You missed my point; it isn't progress because it's an enormous step backward. It's not the "learning something new" part, it's the "throwing away everything you already know."

    Semantics. Your argument boils down to the pain of change.

    I would see your point if switching everything to metric would actually make things more efficient, but it wouldn't. People who use Imperial units are already comfortable with it - the system already works, and isn't broken.

    Again, the real crux of your argument is that people are 'comfortable' with what they already know. If you were to put that aside and judge between the two systems objectively, I can't see how anyone would actually choose imperial over metric. Metric is the future. No, check that — it's actually the present. You're living in the past Tomorrow.

    central park new york summer. summer-streets
  • summer-streets

  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 07:51 PM
    Speed. (Of course, you do have to download it first.) ;) But you don't have to wait for the disk to arrive.

    Entirely dependant on your Internet connection. Some people can go grab the disk and be back home much faster than it would take to download all 8 GB. ;)

    And speed doesn't make something easier or harder.

    central park new york summer. Summer Days: A Tel Aviv beach
  • Summer Days: A Tel Aviv beach

  • reachingforsky
    Aug 4, 01:17 PM
    I hope we're all in for surprises at WWDC. Up until then, this is all speculation. It's fun to speculate and to try to be cool by being right, but I hope they knock everyone's socks off with the unexpected.

    central park new york summer. Game One - New York 2005
  • Game One - New York 2005

  • MacRumors
    Mar 29, 01:13 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/29/japanese-earthquake-leading-to-shortages-of-ipod-batteries/)


    central park new york summer. New York during the summer
  • New York during the summer

  • danielwsmithee
    Aug 11, 09:32 AM
    Why would they keep a 32-bit processor in the macbook when they're pushing 64-bit with Lepoard?Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

    Apr 23, 07:44 PM
    Having extra resolution would probably look awesome on the GUI, but I'm afraid everything else is going to look like crap.

    The graphics used on websites, for example, would become a pixel counting fest. Unless the entire web updates their graphics, of course. But that would mean slow loading times. Imagine all the smileys used on this forum would have a resolution of 512x512 pixels, or more. Yikes!

    No one is doubling pixel counts on screens anytime soon. Don't worry. A lot of people misunderstand "Retina" displays.

    This is probably ahead of upcoming monitors that utilize all the bandwidth of DP 1.2, some monitors with 3480 horizontal resolution. Think of it like the ACD 30", only more pixels. No one had to "re-do all the graphics on the web" for 2560x1600, they won't for this either.

    It'll just look smaller on your screen. Apple is just prepping wallpapers for these monitors and making sure icons blow-up non-pixelated at maximum dock zooming.

    May 6, 02:20 AM
    If ARM is indeed able to make high-performance CPUs, then a move like this would be one of the most significant ones in the computing history. Let's face it: the x86 architecture is a dead end. Its needlessly complicated and builds on obsolete tech. Internally, the modern x86 CPUs aren't even x86 anymore - they decompose, recompile and reorder the machine code as they execute it. The ARM assembly is more suited for modern computing as it is more efficient as the x86 code and allows better CPU pipeline utilization.

    The real question is whether ARM is able to create a CPU which is powerful enough to compete with Intel's offerings. The x86 may be inefficient but the sophisticated design of Intel CPUs results in great performance. ARM must really step on it to attain these levels.

    P.S. If something like this should happen, I am sure that ARM will include hardware emulation layer for x86 instructions, for compatibility with older software. Any anyway, what does it cost to recompile an application? Indeed: nothing (if the application is competently written, that is).

    I'm sure there will be another big change in processors and software.

    ARM sounds a bit like cloud computing: many smaller processors.

    It probably depends on the development of the ARM. Who knows what potential is in them.

    Apr 25, 10:33 AM
    There's a black Escalade parked outside with a guy in a suit and sunglasses. I think there's an Apple sticker on the rear window? :eek:

    Someone, please call Jesse Ventura! Help!

    Apr 9, 08:34 PM
    Same brand scientific calculator, two different answers. :rolleyes:

    Aug 4, 10:58 AM
    You are the perfect consumer. "Must ... have ... bright ... shiny ... new .... thing", whether you need it or not. So what if apple comes out with a new computer every 6 months? If the one you have does what you need it to - why do you care? If your self-worth is tied up in having the latest computer, you just need therapy. And please don't blame Apple for your debt situation.

    Haha. Well said. I guess Apple added in something to the last revision of PowerBook G4s which makes us PowerBook users more down to earth. I would never get rid of my PowerBook. :D