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Saturday, May 14, 2011

banner tattoo ideas

banner tattoo ideas. Tattoo Designs
  • Tattoo Designs

  • jeff1977
    Apr 12, 09:47 AM

    Simply because htcSensation is 1.2GHz dual core

    and... and... iphone5 will have lesser RAM than htcSensation.

    Also, Apple is closed and Google is open.


    Just buy what you like, but being all anal about specs is lame. Having the currently superior specs isn't gonna make anyone's penis any bigger, despite what you may think.

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  • cross tattoo,anner tattoo

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 12, 02:59 PM
    It's would be fun if Microsoft released this player and Apple introduced the rumored full screen iPod a few days later..


    Or a few days earlier.....

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  • cat tattoo designs anner 1.

  • kfscoll
    May 2, 12:41 PM
    Unless the form factor of any given product in the Macintosh line is radically different or re-designed, leaked pictures of such products are boring and uninteresting.

    Plus the iPhones are still the "New, hot thing" in Apple-land, so even a millimeter's difference in the case is a big deal.

    Then why all of the leaked photos of the new 2011 MacBook Pros and their boxes prior to release? The form factor of those computers literally didn't change at all.

    I'm really surprised we haven't yet seen any leaked photos of the new iMacs if they're indeed coming out tomorrow. I guess we'll see soon enough.

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  • Swallow Tattoo Design WIP by

  • cult hero
    Apr 15, 08:19 PM
    nope .. refresh happening in the next 3-4 weeks ... they want you to purchase the machine first then pay to upgrade to lion

    I find that very likely.

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  • lehite
    Apr 13, 02:19 PM
    I find this highly unlikely. Even if I did believe and it came true I couldn't afford one.

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  • Airbrush tattoo banner

  • MacNut
    Mar 3, 07:45 PM
    If you look at Charlie's character on the show and really every character he has ever played they all mirror his real life. He has made millions playing a party animal that sleeps around. No wonder he is so delusional now.

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  • Atlasland
    Jul 24, 10:47 PM
    Well, I'm still glad I bought the Logitech S530 mouse to replace my Apple BT mouse. Why?...

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  • Half Sleeve Tattoo Ideas For

  • daneoni
    May 1, 10:04 PM
    Every dog has it's day. Still doesn't mean it's over though.

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  • MacVibe
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    Right on schedule!

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  • Tattoo Ideas,

  • Psilocybin
    Apr 19, 07:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.


    CPU and GPU are both important. There is one critical difference between CPU and GPU though and thats this:

    A user can usually wait on on the CPU with no impact other than the fact that they had to wait. Using your example. You waited 40 minutes. A CPU that that was twice as fast might have reduced your wait to 25 minutes. A CPU that was half a fast would have increased your wait time to maybe 75 minutes. The only consequence of CPU speed is time in general. There is rarely a difference in the final product.

    GPU is different, GPU is often used to perform realtime calculations (Game or movie frames). Because the frames are related to a specific point in time, a difference is GPU performance can make the difference between usable and unusable. For that reason, people that like, want or need GPU performance tend to be focal.

    In my experience, poor GPU performance bugs me more than poor CPU performance. You can't just wait for the GPU to get done, like you can with a CPU. There does have to be a balance though.

    Well said

    banner tattoo ideas. Swallow Banner Tattoo
  • Swallow Banner Tattoo

  • firestarter
    Apr 23, 06:18 PM
    Should they be fired?


    Not for avoiding geting involved in a violent situation. As iJH said, they're not the law, and there's no way McDs could support some sort of 'employee vigilante' action.

    They should get sacked for:
    - Unprofessional behaviour. Standing 'round laughing as someone gets kicked in the head isn't part of their job description
    - Aiding and assisting in a crime. Telling the perps that they'd better leave as the police are about to arrive isn't in their job description either.

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  • Extremus
    May 3, 09:03 AM
    Site has just been updated. New iMacs are available!!:D

    banner tattoo ideas. Filed under Heart Tattoo Ideas
  • Filed under Heart Tattoo Ideas

  • robbieduncan
    Oct 24, 08:29 AM
    Hmmm...I've never seen a power adapter on a plane, and I flew a few days ago (on a cheapo airline, but still...).

    Normally only on long haul and even then only in Premium Economy and up. The cheap seats get no love!

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  • heart tattoo design,heart and

  • robbieduncan
    Oct 24, 08:29 AM
    Hmmm...I've never seen a power adapter on a plane, and I flew a few days ago (on a cheapo airline, but still...).

    Normally only on long haul and even then only in Premium Economy and up. The cheap seats get no love!

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  • The sparrow tattoo can be

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:26 AM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.

    Have you used a 4.3" phone. They don't seem that much physically bigger but the screen size is awesome! Apple keeps getting squeezed with adding new technology because of the size limitations of the phone. Giving us a slightly bigger size with the advantage of a bigger screen size AND more components seems like an excellent tradeoff.

    Yeah - I know if will never happen because SJ is compulsive obsessive with never making things bigger.


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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    The GSMArena article is wrong there. It is true that the F700 was officially "introduced in Feb 2007", but it was already shown at the IFA fair in Berlin in autumn 2006.

    So what?

    No one will deny the success Apple has, yet its not good enough for this greedy CEO and company.

    They are just out of control. Pure unadulterated gluttony.

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  • girl-anner-flower-tattoo.

  • -SD-
    Oct 28, 05:20 PM
    It's my Birthday before Christmas. Next Friday, 5th November. The ex-Missus is getting me the new BlazBlue


    Which has unfortunately just been delayed until a couple of weeks after my 31st. :mad: Other than that, I'm getting myself a 27" Cinema Display. What I would like is a really nice knife block and set of decent chef's knives.


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  • Body Tattoo Is The Art Of

  • bluebomberman
    Jul 10, 01:31 PM
    Maybe that's the way it strikes you, but this isn't the way it strikes those of us who've been using Pages since it came out.

    But all of my work is poorly-researched, so maybe that's why I like it.


    A bit harsh, aren't you? They're supposedly integrating better search features into the next version of Pages precisely to improve the researching component of writing. So it's not like I'm the only one who thinks that Pages needs more to better compare to Word. As it stands, I'll give Pages a shot if I need to do something fancier than writing for MFA workshops.

    Plus, I save a couple of bucks.

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  • Swords with anner tattoo on

  • iEvolution
    Apr 22, 05:08 PM
    Ugh I wish they'd keep the iPod Touch and iPhone different in appearance.

    Mar 16, 10:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    About 40 in line now at SCP.

    Ahh, sounds pointless then. Word has gotten out.


    Apr 29, 05:16 PM
    I have to wonder how many people discussing audio quality buy their movies from iTunes vs Blu-Ray.

    Just asking since apparently those people are so concerned with getting optimal performance from their media.

    Not to take this off topic - but too many people have been duped by all the streaming serves and cable companies to believe they're getting a true HD experience when, in fact, they aren't because of the astronomical bitrate difference between what can be streamed vs delivered by hard media at current.

    May 4, 08:58 AM
    This is actually consistent with what I'm hearing too. Fall release, combined GSM/CDMA platform.

    Oct 21, 06:25 PM
    You just leave the computers on 24/7 just folding. Not everyone does though. Also trying to fold more might influence your farm or purchases. Also trying beta programs is a way to compete. Also being on a team gives you more satisfaction than just your personal crunching.

    i agree. the only reason i could see having your own team is if you had a different user for each computer, so that you knew the stats for each system

    Apr 27, 03:00 AM
    As long as my daughter is in there, I will have a say who goes in the bathroom. my daughter isn't a woman yet, she is a girl, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her. Like it or not, I think gender bending is wrong, and people like you will not be in the bathroom with her. When she is finished, it is all yours.

    my views may not be popular in this thread, and I expected the regular insults that you libs dish out to people that disagree with you. If your afraid of dissenting opinions, then you need to stay on some of those forums that will always agree with you, and will nurture you, and your life style.

    "you libs" amuses me, I don't recall ever expressing strong political views on this forum, supporting any particular party or anything of the sort, unless you mean liberal as in someone who supports constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion? Find me a prominent republican that will disagree with most of those and I'll accept your label gladly.

    Please don't brand me or anyone else as politically partisan simply for disagreeing with you.

    I'm curious as to what you think my "life style" involves that's incompatible with yours or anyone else's? I don't need "nurturing" nor do I need everyone to agree with me all the time. I've been around this forum for a while now, I've met probably approaching 100 members at one point or another, more than a couple of whom have posted in this thread. Please don't indicate that I'm unwelcome here, reality disagrees.

    I'm not afraid of your opinions, if anything I'm merely concerned by them. I'm also bemused by the fact that you seem to think that you own public restrooms, if you want to hold your daughter back from using it while someone you disapprove of is using it then sure, while I disagree with your motives that's your own prerogative. If however, hypothetically, you were to block me from entering, we would however have a situation on our hands, assuming your threats of violence hold true. You would be the one they would arrest.

    I'm just fine with people disagreeing with me, however threatening me with violence, denying my identity (albeit indirectly) and airing a standpoint of intolerance I take slight issue with, issue enough to argue with you. I've not reported any posts of yours or anyone else to moderators. There's no reason to get confrontational here.