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Monday, May 16, 2011

banksy graffiti rat

banksy graffiti rat. Banksy finished his “Let them
  • Banksy finished his “Let them

  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 14, 08:53 AM
    They probably made a change to the app store to add items to the "list of supported devices" and the developer left his test string in there. The Mac app store and iTunes app store probably share that bit of code, hence the mention of "mac". Its most probably meaningless.

    banksy graffiti rat. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and

  • twoodcc
    Oct 30, 08:15 PM
    -16 is better for Intel processors.

    oh ok. well -16 then. and let us know how it goes.

    also, whiterabbit, are you using -8 with your i7 on the bigadv units?

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Graffiti - Gangster Rat
  • Banksy Graffiti - Gangster Rat

  • zildjansg
    Oct 26, 07:48 PM
    my xmas wish list:



    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Style Bowler Rat
  • Banksy Style Bowler Rat

  • kfury77
    Apr 15, 02:55 AM
    You can 'like' a purchased track from within the music player app now, and post a comment about it. Surprised no one else mentioned this yet... Anyone else spotted any additional changes?

    banksy graffiti rat. New Banksy piece in nyc#39;s soho
  • New Banksy piece in nyc#39;s soho

  • rhett7660
    Mar 2, 10:44 AM
    :mad: Emiilo is busy being a director and winegrower, thank you very much :mad: :p

    As to Charlie - I'm of two minds - I do think that part of this is definitely publicity. He probably hasn't had so many requests for interviews in years! On the other hand, even though that drug test he took was supposedly negative - I think that's probably a temporary thing and he will back to hitting the crack pipe pretty darn soon if he hasn't started up again already.

    As to losing his children - yes it's sad for him, but definitely good for them. although with a drug-addicted mom - perhaps there is a well meaning relative that could step in for the boys? Charlie has 5 kids. His oldest is married I think, so don't know what she has had to deal with. But Denise always had custody of the 2 girls and I think for while there he wasn't even allowed visitation, so sadly, I don't think losing visitation rights is going to change anything for Charlie.

    I agree, given his state of mind right now, I wouldn't be surprised if this is all Chucks fault too. Charlie doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for his actions. But hey, he is making millions, or was making millions why should he! :)

    banksy graffiti rat. Rude Boy Rat
  • Rude Boy Rat

  • sammich
    Oct 29, 11:02 PM
    I don't want to be ignorant, but I thought that HT was all about utilising the unused portions of each core. But if you're running F@H shouldn't those cores be fully utilised anyway?

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Sonic Rat T-shirt – £
  • Banksy Sonic Rat T-shirt – £

  • rnelan7
    Dec 6, 06:30 AM
    Ugh that sucks! I worked in a desert so no snowboarding seasons for me either : /

    I go to Blue Knob and Seven Springs. Both are in Pennsylvania but I plan on taking a trip out to Winter Park Colorado this winter :D Where do you go?

    I go to Camelback in the Poconos. It's the best thing that is closet to me in Jersey.

    banksy graffiti rat. Tags: artanksygraffiti
  • Tags: artanksygraffiti

  • balamw
    Oct 23, 09:46 PM
    I guess that means you can't legally run XP on a Core Duo or Core2 Duo system...
    Even for XP Home multi-core processors are considered one processor. It's the number of chips that counts. All started when Intel started Hyperthreading P4 CPUs (i.e. presenting them as 2 CPUs).


    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Graffiti Art : Caught
  • Banksy Graffiti Art : Caught

  • Apple OC
    May 1, 10:54 PM
    I suggest reading up on what Al-Qaeda has become since the war on terror started. I'm trying to track down my terrorist textbook to source for you in the mean time.

    you do that :rolleyes: ... your textbook on terrorism now needs to be updated with Osama dead

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Graffiti - Gangster Rat
  • Banksy Graffiti - Gangster Rat

  • TheOnlyJon
    Sep 13, 09:27 AM
    Best $400.00 anyone has ever spent.


    D'awww. What kind? Looks like our 100+ pound Great Pyrenees did when she was a puppy...she's slightly larger now :p

    banksy graffiti rat. 20091118we-anksy-rat-its-not-
  • 20091118we-anksy-rat-its-not-

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 25, 12:03 PM
    They usually offer OS upgrade vouchers after an actual release date is announced for those who purchase systems from the announcement to the release date.

    Ah yeah, that's right. I couldn't remember what they did for new OS releases. That likely means you'll have to wait until WWDC to buy an iMac though, since I'm 99% sure they will give us Lion launch date then.

    banksy graffiti rat. from Graffiti white line
  • from Graffiti white line

  • Blue Fox
    Apr 22, 09:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It's WiMax.. iPhone is going to be LTE. Apple is obsessed with thin design. Using two separate chip for 3G and 4G will make things too tight. I'm guessing they want the hybrid chip..

    Using two separate chips eats battery life. Not to mention LTE is still "just" coming out, so it won't be widespread enough to take advantage of it until 2012 anyway.

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy#39;s Graffiti Wars on the
  • Banksy#39;s Graffiti Wars on the

  • Gav2k
    Apr 14, 07:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Could be the iTampon for all i care! I just want my iPhone 5 in June not September damn it!

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy - Famous Graffiti
  • Banksy - Famous Graffiti

  • Moyank24
    Apr 28, 12:09 PM
    Ouch, Appleguy. I believe you may have made our wolfish friend angry. Now we avenge you.


    banksy graffiti rat. cat (rat) on the wall
  • cat (rat) on the wall

  • freeny
    Jul 24, 04:41 PM
    First there was "The crappy mouse".

    And now......

    banksy graffiti rat. Rat, Liverpool, UK
  • Rat, Liverpool, UK

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 23, 06:43 PM
    Money talks.

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy paints in secret,
  • Banksy paints in secret,

  • drnen
    Sep 30, 03:17 PM
    This is exactly my experience in Brooklyn, NY. I'm considering going back to Verizon. How much does it cost o break the att contract?

    175 minus 5 dollars for every month completed under contract. I just looked up that info myself last week :)

    banksy graffiti rat. The rat looks like it could
  • The rat looks like it could

  • SciFrog
    Nov 23, 02:58 PM
    I also just joined. Let see what my '08 Octo 2.8 MP can contribute to our score/rankings:D

    Make sure that once you have a passkey and 10 SMP untis folded you run bigadv units.

    banksy graffiti rat. Banksy Graffiti Marker Rat-
  • Banksy Graffiti Marker Rat-

  • Ivan P
    Apr 29, 07:24 AM
    The strangest part for me is, that his white iPhone is made of plastic instead of glass - maybe he should buy it at the Apple Store and not on the streets, Mr. "I can measure the thickness by hand, but not detect that it's fricken glass."

    They're not talking about the glass screens at all - they're referring to the material on either side of the stainless steel band on the side of the phone (that holds the glass in place). It is most certainly some form of plastic or rubber.

    Jun 8, 08:18 AM
    You really believe that failing to log out should be a $1000 mistake? For an app they'll never use? What if the app cost $10,000? $100,000? $1 million?

    You'd still need a credit card linked to the account. If I tried to charge a $1,000 app over iTunes, the purchase would be declined. The person must first make a decision to authorize a purchase that is considered to be large, then link that credit card to iTunes, and then to secure that information or not.

    If I leave $1,000 in cash on the street in front of my house, should I blame the government for not helping me when that money gets taken? Of course not, because it's my fault for leaving something valuable and recognizable where I knew that it could be taken.

    Likewise, if you cracked my iTunes account password and tried to run up some big charges, you wouldn't get very far. I take the responsibility of reducing my risk by not leaving a large line of credit available where a simple mishandling of my electronic account information could result in a detrimental financial liability.

    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    I use my 3GS everyday at work as my ipod. After work, i get in my truck plug my phone in...43- 50%. After the 4.3.1 update i my phone went dead after 5 hours of ipod play. I had to turn off all location services, ect to squeek through the 8 hour day and plug it in after work at under 10% :confused:. Hope this update fixes the battery drain issue!

    Sep 30, 09:47 AM
    It's interesting how cell service works. Here's a simplistic summary:

    Only a certain number of users can use a tower at any given time. There is only a certain range of frequencies that can be used. All towers use these same frequencies. This means that each tower must not overlap the others in terms of coverage area and frequenceis. To ensure this, companies actually use different frequency ranges on adjacent towers. Further limiting how many users can use each tower.

    The solution to this is to create smaller cell sites that cover a smaller area (and therefore will have fewer users at any given time). The problem with this is that each new cell site requires a new tower. With all the opposition to new tower construction it can take months or years to get approval to build one.

    With the massive growth in cell usage companies are having to create smaller and smaller cell sites. Because of the way the system works putting up one new tower requires the reconfiguration of all the adjacent towers. Their signal area must be changed, their frequencies must be changed and it all must be integrated together.

    When you get a dropped call, it's usually because you are moving into another cell site (serviced by a new tower). Your call must be handed off to the new tower. If this new tower is at capacity or overloaded, failures happen.

    This is why it sucks for very high density areas.

    Luckily in Minneapolis we have very good AT&T coverage. I get very fast 3G speeds and <1% dropped calls everywhere I go. Thank you urban sprawl for spreading everyone out.. When I was in NYC I noticed by data speeds were much slower. I didn't make enough calls to have any problems with that though.

    Mar 11, 08:06 PM
    got back from best buy fullerton about half an hour ago. was 13th or so in line. came home with white 64 verizon ipad. one of the less popular models, i'm sure, but it's a relief to be home and not still standing in line at brea.

    May 2, 12:53 AM
    If you want to go that route, milk it for all it's worth. Preserve him, decorate him as a pi�ata, and have anyone who wants take three whacks on primetime worldwide TV. Families of 9/11 victims get to be first in line.

    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic. ;)

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.