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Thursday, May 19, 2011

xbox 360 logo gif

xbox 360 logo gif. xbox 360 logo gif,
  • xbox 360 logo gif,

  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 09:43 AM
    This is the important part:

    Apple's iPhone 4 ranked as the top-selling mobile phone in the U.S. during the quarter, and perhaps most surprisingly, the iPhone 3GS took second place in the rankings. Despite essentially being a nearly two-year-old device . . .

    That speaks volumes.

    xbox 360 logo gif. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360,
  • Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360,

  • rstansby
    Nov 11, 02:08 PM
    I was one of the people who paid $3. So far I haven't found a single flash video that will play on it, and I feel really ripped off.

    xbox 360 logo gif. Wii, Xbox 360 1
  • Wii, Xbox 360 1

  • RedTomato
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    Very Very Tempted.

    Time to put my repaired and working perfectly G4 PB 15'' on sale I think.

    Any takers? (London, UK)

    xbox 360 logo gif. GFWLXL-Cross-Platform-Logo.gif
  • GFWLXL-Cross-Platform-Logo.gif

  • ChrisA
    Nov 4, 12:17 PM
    I use "VMWare Server" It runs on both Windows and Linux. Here is how it works: First I bring up a console window. THen I "connect" to a physical machine. Either the one I'm using or some other one on the network. Then I can "Power On" a Virtual machine. On power on I see the BIOS counting up memory and then booting off the boot device and finally it loads an OS. What this means, it that you have a set on physical machines and a set of virtual machines and the virtual machines can run on any of the physical machines and can eve be moved around. And all the displays are sent back to you workstation where you can tab between them. Another neat feature is the abilty to "snapshot" a VM. You ckick on "snapshoot" before you do something you might regret say you want to install some spyware thing just to see what it does. OK now you've seen it so you click "restore" and the computer is put back into the state of when it was snapshoted.

    VMWare pioneered this whole ideal and has by for the best products. And so of them are free. If you have a Windows or Linux system go get VMware Server right now.

    xbox 360 logo gif. Console: Xbox 360, PS3
  • Console: Xbox 360, PS3

  • WildCowboy
    Oct 18, 04:35 PM
    Having looked at the numbers in more detail it is interesting that compared to the year ago quarter desktop sales are relatively static and pretty much all the growth in mac shipments is in the portable lines. Good to see Apple add 1bn to revenue anyhow.

    I'd imagine that it's partly due to the long-term industry-wide shift toward portables.

    xbox 360 logo gif. Xbox+360+logo+small
  • Xbox+360+logo+small

  • kfury77
    Mar 31, 10:26 AM
    hmm.. I don't like the look of the calendar. I prefer the simple look as it is in Snow Leopard. I hope there is option to switch it to that look.

    xbox 360 logo gif. or the Xbox 360 logo;
  • or the Xbox 360 logo;

  • Thomas Harte
    Jun 6, 04:30 AM
    There should be a setting something like:
    - Never ask for password for purchases of $X and under.
    - Always ask for password for purchases of $Y and over.

    The first one would be nice so it I could set it to free and easily update my apps.
    The second would help prevent cases like the OP.

    Per the Apple way, it wouldn't be a user configurable setting. But otherwise, I agree.

    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox 360 logo render.
  • xbox 360 logo render.

  • shervieux
    Apr 1, 08:38 AM
    So how about a to-do list, hey Apple?

    Oh you are so right!! :eek: This loses the to-do list in iCal, thus why I had to buy a to-do list app just to sync my to-do's on iphone/iPad. Hope this does not mean a separate to-do list in OS X. Now instead of having 3 apps always open (ical, mail, address book) - it will be 4. What a resource hog.

    Even MS's new office (although with it's problems) on the windows side incorporates collaboration through chat, email, etc within apps. Time to unify iCal, mail, address book, to-do, ichat, and facetime into one nice integrated app to provide easier workflow and collaboration. Or maybe keep facetime / ichat separate for the new unified app - but allow for clicking and auto-launching to communicate with someone right from your unified (ical,address book, mail, to-do app).

    I think that would be a boon for apple and even easier to get into businesses.

    C'Mon Apple - look to how the user operates. Everything needs to be right in front of us to same time and improve workflows...

    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox360.gif xbox360 logo
  • xbox360.gif xbox360 logo

  • mattster16
    Sep 30, 01:25 PM
    .......I still can't make, receive, send or get text messages or mail during any sporting event in my city. It was the same when it first came out and it is the same last week at the game.

    And it will always be that way unless the FCC allows more frequencies to be used for cell transmission. Data is breaking the system. A cell tower can only handle 50-300 'calls' at any given time due to frequency limitations (you can only time multiplex so much...). Data is even more of a bandwidth hog, harder to time multiplex w/o slowing down transmission drastically. People also use data much more often than voice now (especially the iPhone). When you have 10,000 people packed into a small area for an event what more can you expect? The area is probably covered by one tower (or if you're lucky a few small cell sites in the venue).

    Unfortunately extending and increasing capacity of cell service isn't as simple as setting up a wireless router. Takes a bit more work and planning than that. It's also hard in the US due to FCC regulations/state regulations/city regulations and high public opposition to new cell towers.

    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox 360 logo render.
  • xbox 360 logo render.

  • rdowns
    Feb 28, 06:10 PM
    Between him and Cryer, that's still half of what the show brings in. And you're still not factoring in production costs.

    Remember that CBS gets to air reruns and also owns part of the show to sell into syndication. That damn psycho has probably generated a billion dollars for CBS.

    Here's a list of what some TV stars earn. (http://www.tvguide.com/News/Top-TV-Earners-1021717.aspx)

    Says Sheen gets $1.25 million, Cryer at $550K and the kid at $250K.

    xbox 360 logo gif. We specialize in XBOX 360
  • We specialize in XBOX 360

  • Da Dealer
    Dec 8, 03:18 PM
    it still wont run on hulu

    xbox 360 logo gif. KABEL VGA DO KONSOLI XBOX 360!

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 24, 08:57 AM
    Video iPod on thanksgiving. I would bet money on it.

    That'll really knock the wind out of Zune.
    I hope so! But if I get a MPB then theres no way I could get a ipod video. Ohwell I would be getting a 2.33ghz core 2 duo 15.4inch macbook pro with 2gb of ram, good grpahics, Dual 6x Double Layer Superdrive, FW800, FW400, Two USBs, 120gb!

    xbox 360 logo gif. Samsung T240 and Xbox 360
  • Samsung T240 and Xbox 360

  • GroundLoop
    Jan 25, 07:10 PM
    Apple just released its quarterly, and while it was higher than apple's expectations it did not meet analyst's expectations.

    Not quite. Q1 exceeded everyone expectations financially. But it was the appearance of slowing iPod sales that scared everyone. The reason that Apple made its numbers is because Mac sales were extremely strong and covered the slowing iPod growth.

    That and the very weak guidance for Q2 would scare a lot of investors who thought that Apple was a safe haven.


    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox 360 logo png.
  • xbox 360 logo png.

  • OceanView
    Mar 17, 10:48 AM
    Heard Brea had only 9 iPads today. Anyone confirm? Over 100+ waiting in line. Crazy.

    Brea had 15 wifi only.
    125+ people.

    xbox 360 logo gif. 3 | Sony | XBOX 360
  • 3 | Sony | XBOX 360

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 11, 02:52 PM
    Why the hell does MS even want to attempt to release an "iPod killer"? Do they not realise they will lose money?:rolleyes:

    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox logo gif.
  • xbox logo gif.

  • TheMacBookPro
    Jun 6, 10:46 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    You do realize that you too were once a kid as well? :rolleyes:

    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    What's wrong with Android? My N1 does far more than what a 3GS can do... whatever floats your boat I guess.

    xbox 360 logo gif. xbox live logo. xbox
  • xbox live logo. xbox

  • MikeTheC
    Jul 22, 11:02 PM
    My 2�...

    I 100% agree with the sentiment that Apple should not try to have a meteoric growth rate. From what I've seen over the years, a company can grow to any size it wants and be stable, but if it does it too fast (or, frankly, if it does it for the wrong reasons) it becomes unwieldly and unstable, and eventually will die. I know people here will laugh when I say this, but I fully expect to see this phenominon happen to both Wal-Mart and Home Depot, just like it's happened to countless other companies who got too big too quickly.

    I firmly believe that marketshare is significant in that it is a make or break for software and peripheral development. It is also significant in that it contributes to overall "mindshare". Now, you can accept or reject "mindshare" if you like, but it absolutely has an effect because people believe it is important.

    Furthermore, I have issues with the comments about marketshare increase alone as a primary contributor to getting Macs back into schools. The reason I have a problem with that is that school boards and school superintendants are typically in the back pocket of the IT staffs of the district, and so many of those staffs out there are all MS-heads. Until you can replace those folks (not convert, not convince, but replace) you're hardly likely to see much penetration into the educational market.

    And with both businesses and schools, it's incredibly ironic that they cling -- positively cling -- to Microsoft and all things Microsoft and only things Microsoft, even despite the tide of spyware, malware, viruses and incessant security hole exploitation. I mean, they'll bitch and moan about all the holes they had to patch and all the viruses they had to contend with and all the maintenance issues which fill up their day, but mention "Macintosh" just once and they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon of "Anything not made by Microsoft sucks. Oh, and Macs doubly suck, and nobody uses them, and there isn't any software for them, and they just crash all the time." Yadda yadda yadda. Geez, if I had a nickle for everytime I heard that crap come out of the mouth of an allegedly-savvy IT guy...

    Anyhow, one factor of significant import is Linux's market share, which is now either equal to or slightly in excess of Apple's. It's a good thing, on the one hand, because it means that competition is alive and well in the OS marketplace. But it also should serve as a wake-up call to Apple. They should know full-well what this means, since they're (at least to a degree) in bed with the Open Source crowd.

    xbox 360 logo gif. ndiansLogo.gif
  • ndiansLogo.gif

  • smugDrew
    May 3, 07:59 AM
    Made a stupid mistake, getting caught up in the moment, confused TN and TFT. Sorry folks, obviously I suffered a brain fart.

    xbox 360 logo gif. Xbox360 v0.5 - WIP
  • Xbox360 v0.5 - WIP

  • OliverOSX93
    Apr 26, 09:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I would have thought they would have a 24 / 24.5 inch screen. If only to make it match the 13/15/17 screen sizes of the MBP.

    Sep 18, 10:40 PM
    anyone with a newer mac pro or xserve can kill in the stats. should be a nice incentive. i am excited about mac folding for the first time in a while

    May 2, 01:11 AM
    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic.
    Who said anything about candy?

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?
    Not a hero, but obviously worth our wrath and opprobrium, given that we spent 10 years trying to find him.

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.
    In a flower print dress and petticoat hiked up to his waist with his bare ass facing Mecca, maybe. He was a crapsack who got his jollies from murdered innocents, and deserves to be humiliated.

    I like it! And after they're done Obama can piss on his corpse! :D

    Hmm..what's Pfc England and her cohorts up to these days?

    Apr 22, 07:24 AM
    No chance for samsung. Their products are obviously copies. The icons even are crappy...

    Don't kid yourself, Apples just doing what Apple does best, whine and cry. Point fingers and sue. Then con the gullible into buying anything with an Apple logo.

    Apple is the worlds best marketing company. The only question is how long before it ends. History proves nothing stays on top forever.

    Nov 4, 12:17 PM
    I use "VMWare Server" It runs on both Windows and Linux. Here is how it works: First I bring up a console window. THen I "connect" to a physical machine. Either the one I'm using or some other one on the network. Then I can "Power On" a Virtual machine. On power on I see the BIOS counting up memory and then booting off the boot device and finally it loads an OS. What this means, it that you have a set on physical machines and a set of virtual machines and the virtual machines can run on any of the physical machines and can eve be moved around. And all the displays are sent back to you workstation where you can tab between them. Another neat feature is the abilty to "snapshot" a VM. You ckick on "snapshoot" before you do something you might regret say you want to install some spyware thing just to see what it does. OK now you've seen it so you click "restore" and the computer is put back into the state of when it was snapshoted.

    VMWare pioneered this whole ideal and has by for the best products. And so of them are free. If you have a Windows or Linux system go get VMware Server right now.

    Apr 13, 08:23 PM
    I am a VZW customer who has been waiting for the iPhone 5 but my Droid original is about to die. I'm getting the white Iphone the minute it comes out with news of the latest IPhone 5 delay and because everyone has black. I can't wait anymore and will just sell the 4 on ebay for $400+ and buy the 5 outright (3GS still go for 300+ on ebay used). Plus I will lock into unlimited data for future LTE :)