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Thursday, May 19, 2011

megan fox hair color 2011

megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • mrkramer
    Apr 16, 01:04 PM
    And when money is in a bank, the bank can loan an entrepreneur money to start a business that hires people. If the money is invested, it will provide capital for a business to expand. If $1 dollar is consumed, one person can have a candy bar. If $1 is saved, $10 will go towards a small business that might provide a continual source of income and services for many people.

    but if nobody spends to buy that small business's product, how will it survive? Yes you need some saving, but spending is equally important. What we should have done was saved while the economy was going good and we could afford to have that money sitting on the sides and now that the economy is bad we should be spending to restart it. Of course the Republicans were irresponsible with their spending under Bush so now we don't have that money we should have saved to fall back on.

    megan fox hair color 2011. We Love Hair Style 2011 (910)
  • We Love Hair Style 2011 (910)

  • nomad01
    Sep 11, 02:05 AM
    this event is going to be simulcast in LONDON. Does this mean that movies will be able to be purchased by folks in the UK??? as far as I know you still cant purchased TV shows sold through iTunes in the UK:confused:

    I don't know. I think the logistics of a Movie store would be easier than TV shows for Apple.

    Movies get released around the same time in the US and UK now... maybe a few months delay. Once Apple has the deal with one studio, I'm guessing they're good.

    With TV, shows air MONTHS later over here and they're on a ton of different channels. Sewing up deals with all the different networks for one country must be a headache let alone two or three countries.

    I seriously think it's about time that Apple offered more than just bl**dy Pixar outside the US though.

    Looking forward to see what they have planned tomorrow anyway. Unfortunately I'll be buying a couple of visiting Australian friends dinner when the keynote goes out. :-( Wonder if they'd settle for a packed lunch at the Apple Store? lol

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • 2nyRiggz
    Aug 7, 02:06 PM
    If I had the money....I might of float away with a maxed out Pro but knowing that I can change up things is sweet enough....exactly what I was waiting for.


    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011
  • megan fox hair color 2011

  • thetexan
    Mar 29, 02:54 PM
    Yo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >

    5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
    You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.

    WTF ???!!!

    Access to Your Account and Content

    You acknowledge and agree that Apple may access, use, preserve and/or disclose your account information and Content if legally required to do so or if we have a good faith belief that such access, use, disclosure, or preservation is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process or request; (b) enforce these TOS, including investigation of any potential violation thereof; (c) detect, prevent or otherwise address security, fraud or technical issues; or (d) protect the rights, property or safety of Apple, its users or the public as required or pemitted by law.


    Apple and Amazon have similar statement in their TOS when it comes to cloud storage. In fact they're so similar I wouldn't be surprised if they both used the same legal team to write their TOS.

    There goes Amazon copying Apple again!

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 10:32 PM
    good news, but it seems that it will be later than we were expecting. September?:confused:

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • satcomer
    Mar 30, 10:14 AM
    I am starting to think that this is report maybe rooted in Stock manipulation of AAPL, in the future Apple quarterly report April 20th. Think about it, why hasn't any other electronic devices named it might affect also? :eek:

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • Wolfpup
    Jan 5, 11:27 AM
    I used to think you didn't REALLY need it if you didn't do anything stupid, but then I had it catch something in a banner ad a couple of times, so...now I think it's just better to be safe than sorry.

    I think those two attacks are the only times I've been attacked, although I've heard of more recent things like that too.

    megan fox hair color 2011. MEGAN FOX HAIR COLOR 2011

  • Jape
    Dec 16, 12:15 AM
    just received an email detailing that BLT has an updated eta for 12/20

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • munkery
    Dec 25, 01:21 PM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.

    Flu vaccines are very much like AV software for Mac. They both rely on fear, uncertainty, and doubt. H1N1 killed fewer people per year than the more typical strain of flu but the marketing hype made big business a lot of money.

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color dye.
  • megan fox hair color dye.

  • psychofreak
    Nov 26, 12:48 PM
    Not. Gonna. Happen. The tablet market is very small, and for good reason. Why use a tablet when a laptop fits the bill? Or a PDA? It's a glorified scribble toy. Apple's not going to try and grab such a miniscule market. There's no reason to even try.

    As people mentioned, one could have said the same thing about mp3 players before the iPod.

    "Not. Gonna. Happen. The mp3 player market is very small, and for good reason. Why use an mp3 player when a minidisk or CD fits the bill? Or a cassette? It's a glorified walkman. Apple's not going to try and grab such a miniscule market. There's no reason to even try"

    megan fox hair color 2011. Megan Fox - Our Favorite
  • Megan Fox - Our Favorite

  • Object-X
    Nov 22, 10:30 AM
    I know that many Blue Tooth features of my Motorola cell phone is disabled by Verizon. Even if Apple would make the best cell phone possible, how many of those great featues do you think the cell phone companies would actually allow the use of.

    Remember simple things like ring tones, photos & such could easilly be transferred from the cell phone to your home computer. But this is not usually allowed. Could this be because the cell phone companies allow these features only to add to their revenue stream, not to give the cell phone user some additional user or usuable feature?

    Unless the an Apple cell phone was available from all cell phone service providers & without many of the cell phone features disabled, do you think that it could be a success?

    Bill the TaxMan

    To answer your question: yes, I think it will be a success.

    First, there are the rumors that the phone will be sold unlocked. If true, then the carriers will have no control over what features a phone has or can use.

    Secondly, most of the features we are talking about are Internet related. As long as the phone has the ability to connect to the Internet all of Apple's .Mac services can be reached.

    Last, but not least, Apple has a history of innovating around intrenched limitations. One of the reasons Apple has been successful in changing market dynamics with their products is because they change the game.

    Keep in mind that this will just be the first phone of many. It is quite possible that some sort of wireless VOIP phone could bypass cell phone networks entirely. I don't think that will happen at the beginning, but it is a future possibility. Perhaps what is behind the Apple Google connection. Remember, I said Apple has a way of changing market dynamics with their technology.

    I don't believe Apple would ever allow some other company to dictate to them what features or technology they can use. If cell phone carriers had that kind of control Apple would simply stay out. This more than anything leads me to believe the "unlocked" phone rumors; that would be very consistant with Apple's way of doing business.

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • KnightWRX
    May 6, 06:52 AM
    Google is allready running their data centres on ARM based servers

    Citation needed. Especially in light of this 2 month old article :

    Intel, Google Doubt ARM and Atom Have Chances in Servers (http://www.cpu-wars.com/2011/03/intel-google-doubt-arm-and-atom-have.html)

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair 2011,
  • megan fox hair 2011,

  • NutsNGum
    Mar 29, 04:21 PM
    I say, shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out!

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • iSee
    Apr 7, 11:59 AM
    ...Besides ongoing software testing, RIM was also unable to procure enough touch panels since "Apple already booked up most of the available capacity".

    This is a nice narrative but very unlikely.
    1. RIM is a very experienced hardware developer that knows perfectly well how to procure the components it needs well ahead of time.

    2. Realistically, they need only a relatively tiny number of screen to launch. What Apple is doing isn't on an entirely different level and isn't really going to distrupt the tiny production runs that RIM is going to start with. They won't start competing with Apple for production capacity until they have a hit on their hands. Obviously that may never happen.

    Much more likely they have some serious bugs to fix before they can release. They basically admit as much with the euphamism "ongoing software testsing."

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color dye.
  • megan fox hair color dye.

  • Ibjr
    May 9, 03:18 PM
    Does MobileMe support all devices as well? And what's worth $100 a year about it?

    It is worth spending money to decentralize where all my information is stored.

    megan fox hair color 2011. MEGAN FOX HAIRSTYLE COLOR

  • asdf542
    Mar 31, 08:58 AM
    Wow, the level of arrogance and lack of respect on MacRumors never ceases to amaze me. Every thread, and I mean every, turns into a free for all of personal attacks and insults. Interesting that I never once insulted or disrespected any one individual, yet two responses attempt to personally attack me. Do you know me? Why is this a personal matter for you?

    This is about opinions and civil discourse, not about trying to prove how smart you are or to put someone "in their place". That says more about you than me.

    Last time I will address this matter unless you wish to discuss the topic without rolling eyes, assumptions on my intelligence, and overly dramatic misinterpretations on my comments (that had NOTHING to do with you - and this relates more so for the first comment quoted).


    So where exactly did I personally insult you?

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color 2011.
  • megan fox hair color 2011.

  • bobr1952
    Nov 17, 04:09 PM
    Sounds like a virus in itself. A pointless piece of software which just hogs your RAM. Totally useless for Mac OS X.

    That's how I'll treat AV software until there is a reason to do otherwise. I don't send files to anyone so I don't care how many Windows virus/trojan/malware I have on my Mac.

    megan fox hair color 2011. megan fox hair color dye.
  • megan fox hair color dye.

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 11:16 AM
    Totally right. Apple is perfect and everyone else should just close up shop...:rolleyes: Please get a grip on reality before posting nonsense.

    Nonsense is saying a company that has more demand than they can supply should give parts to companies that can't sell anything they make.

    When RIM can find people to purchase their stuff and Apple can't, RIM will have a point.

    megan fox hair color 2011. Megan Fox Hair Color 2011.
  • Megan Fox Hair Color 2011.

  • diamond.g
    May 4, 03:00 PM
    Great...until you need to do a reinstall. While you could go 10.6 >10.7, going straight to 10.7 is so much better.

    Except when your HD becomes toast...

    Correct, but people are still reaonably concerned with total drive-failures where you have to pull the whole thing out.

    Nope, there's no restriction.

    Look, I'm not talking about what's allowed. I'm talking about what's possible. The post I'm replying to specifically said "abuse" in it. If we're talking about people breaking the rules, the question is: What's going to stop them?

    With Snow Leopard the answer is nothing, really.
    So true, I suppose you would need to reinstall at least 10.6.6.

    That is the process now right? I wonder if they will make TM more like the Windows backup, in the respect that it can take an image of your system for the purpose of a "bare metal" restore...

    Mar 30, 10:53 PM
    He's talking about parts of the UI that have been taken from iOS. This is the worst example so far: http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=278968&d=1301532493

    It's clearly a "form over function" fail as the words are hard to read in the buttons. At least on the iPad, they had the decency to provide some contrast by making the letters white. It's horrible looking!

    Then again, it's a developer preview. But I realllly hope stuff like that doesn't stick around. It's like the translucent menu bar introduced in 10.5 which everyone complained about that didn't get fixed until 10.5.2.
    No, if he was talking about UI parts then he wouldn't have started to complain literally one line under about certain features in Lion.

    nasty devil
    Apr 24, 12:46 AM
    Are the current iMacs not retina enough? Lol

    But I wouldn't mind, if prices are the same :D

    Apr 5, 03:05 PM
    There should be an app to regain control of the breaks in a toyota.

    A panic button app.

    Apr 7, 10:48 AM
    Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

    What are you talking about - how does this related to this store? It only shows that Apple was smart enough to plan ahead to make sure they get the components they need - not their fault that other companies lack any planing (or don't understand the market) and don't order in time what they need. Followers have to take what is left.

    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    repeating your comments don't make them any more true.

    Apr 20, 06:53 AM
    Lets see:
    Faster CPU = Shorter battery life

    Let's see - the iPad 2 had a faster CPU and has the same/better battery life. So where is your logic?